Harry - He is hurt but tries to hide it.

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Hey guys, this is something a bit different.  Im procrastinating from  Uni work haha.  Let me know what you think :-)  xx

Harry woke up and glanced over at the clock, shit, he thought to himself.  Its 8:20am, he is supposed to be at the studio in ten minutes.  They had a lot of recording to do today so he couldn’t be late.  He jumped up and ran into the bathroom.  He never even waited for the water to heat up before jumping into the shower.  He showered quickly and turned off the water.  As he stepped out of the shower, he slipped and fell with his chest hitting the vanity on the way down.  He lay on the cold floor for a few minutes before trying to get up.  He slowly began to stand and felt a sharp pain in his ribs when he breathed in.  He could not call in sick today.  He dried off and got dressed.  He had the world’s quickest breakfast before popping two pain killers and headed out the door.  He was so glad he was only a few minutes from the studio.

Once he arrived at the studio, all the lads were already there. 

“We were getting worried Haz” Liam said.

“Yeah, sorry I’m a bit late, I uh, overslept” Harry replied.  Which was kind of true.

“Shall we record?” Niall asked.

“Let’s go” Louis replied while hopping onto Niall’s back.

The boys filed into the recording booth and sat down on some bar stools all in a row.

“Ow” Harry mumbled under his breath while sitting.

Louis looked over at him and he had his eyes closed.

“Still sleeping Hazza” Louis said with a chuckle.

“Haha yeah” Harry replied quietly.

“Let’s start with Fool’s Gold” the producer said. 

Niall started and finished his piece.  The rest of the boys joined for the chorus, Harry’s voice sounded a bit strained. 

“STOP” the producer yelled. “Harry don’t push it, you sound strained”

The truth was that Harry was in so much pain, he could barely breathe.  Every breath was agonising. 

“Can we take a break; I need to use the bathroom?” Harry asked.

“Fine, ten minutes” the producer said.

Harry walked slowly to the couch, he tried to sit so he could lie down but he couldn’t bend, it was too painful.  Suddenly Louis ran up behind Harry and jumped onto his back.  Harry screamed in agony as his knees buckled and he fell to the ground.  Louis quickly got up and called the boys over. 

“Harry, I am so sorry.  What’s wrong?” Louis asked kneeling beside him.

With that the other boys came running into the room.

“What’s going on?” Liam asked becoming Daddy Direction.

“I-I-I don’t know, I hopped on his back and he screamed and fell” Louis answered stammering.

“Is it your back?” Niall asked, knowing has back problems.

Harry shook his head while the tears streamed down his face.  He had his arms wrapped protectively over his ribs. 

“Maybe it’s his stomach” Zayn whispered to Liam while pointing to how Harry had positioned his arms. 

“Harry I’m going to lift your shirt, ok” Louis replied while leaning over Harry.

He slowly grabbed the hem and pulled it up.  He screamed as his eyes filled with tears. 

“Lou, what is it?” Liam asked.

Louis couldn’t speak he just sat there crying.  Liam walked over to Louis and got the fright of his life when he saw Harry’s chest.  Harry’s right side by his ribs was blue and purple.  He had a massive bruise.  You couldn’t even see his butterfly tattoo that's how far the bruise had spread. 

“What did you do mate?” Liam asked with great concern.

“I fell in the shower this morning” Harry replied quietly while struggling for breath.

“Off to the hospital we go” Liam said while walking off to find Paul.

Once they got to the hospital Harry went for an x-ray and he had broken 3 ribs.  He was told to be on strict bed rest for three weeks and then take it easy for about a month after.  The boys had to cancel their first ten concerts and shift some dates around.  It wasn’t a big deal.  The fans understood.  They were all glad that their Hazza was ok.  They made Harry promise that if he ever got hurt again, they’d be the first to know.  Harry promised them! 

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