BSM - (Louis) you stay home sick

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Louis (he's 23, you're 14)

It started with a slight tickle in your throat when you woke up. Through the day it progressed into full blown coughing fits, a painful throat and a whopping headache. You wanted nothing more than to just get through your final class so you could go home. The house would be quiet because your parents had gone away on a trip for a couple of days so it was just you and Louis.

You let out a sigh of relief as the final bell rang. Saying goodbye to your friends you made your way over to the parking lot, where Louis always picked you up. You smiled when you saw him standing in front of his car, leaning onto the bonnet waiting for you. You began walking faster to get to him sooner. As you were walking closer and closer to him, spots began to appear in your vision before darkness took over.

"(Y/N)....please, please just wake up...(Y/N)" Louis said.

You heard someone calling your name but they sounded so distant.

A few minutes later you slowly opened your eyes, blinking a few times to get rid of the blurriness. You saw Louis sitting in front of you.

"L-Lou?" you asked confused.

"I'm here, I'm right here" he said, brushing some hair out of your eyes.

"What happened?" you asked, coughing at the end and wincing at the pain you felt in your head.

"You passed out love. Why didn't you tell me you were sick this morning?" he asked you.

"I didn't feel this bad this morning" you rasped out.

Louis offered you some water which you eagerly took.

"What's not feeling good sis?" he asked you.

"My head and throat" you answered, coughing again.

"That cough sounds pretty bad love, I'll see what meds we have" he said with a smile.

"Thanks Lou" you said.

He came back a few minutes later and took your temperature. After confirming a fever, he gave you some medicine and made sure you were comfy before heading into the kitchen to make you some soup. After you had some soup you went to stand up to go to your room to do your homework.

"Where you going sis?" Louis asked.

"I have homework due tomorrow" you said, rubbing your temples as your headache grew stronger.

"Do you think I'm sending you to school like this?" he said with a chuckle.

"Besides I already have something planned for tonight" he added.

"What's happening tonight?" you asked."The boys are coming over and we're just going to have a massive movie marathon" he said with a smile.

"Sounds like fun. Thanks Louis" you said, coughing at the end.

"My pleasure" he replied.

You and Louis were sitting in the lounge room; you were thirsty so you went to go get a drink. When you came back you saw Louis had already started setting up for tonight. He had some snacks set out and he got extra pillows and blankets.

Louis dished you some more soup and took your temperature again. He let out a worried sigh when he saw your fever was rising. You coughed a few times into the crook of your arm before you went into a coughing fit. You were gasping for air, while Louis was rubbing your back trying to reassure you.

Once you settled down, your headache was a million times worse. You asked Louis for some more medicine; once he worked out that you could have again he gladly gave you the pills hoping it would help. After you took them you went to lie down on the couch.You woke up an hour later, hearing a lot of voices coming from the kitchen you knew the rest of the boys were there. You got up and swayed a bit from dizziness before making your way to the kitchen.

"Hey look whose up" Niall said with a smile.

"Hey Ni" you said quietly.

"How you feeling love?" he asked.

"Sick, but better than I was before" you answered.

Harry came around the corner and engulfed you in a hug. You always loved his hugs, you could just feel how much love he put into each hug he gave and you always felt better after being held in his arms.

"Hey (Y/N), you going to be ok for tonight?" Liam asked.

"I'll be ok, thanks Daddy Direction" you replied with a chuckle. This caused everyone else, except Liam, to laugh. You joined in but your laughter was short lived when you broke out into a coughing fit. Harry began rubbing your back, Louis went to get you water, Niall was reassuring you and Liam was measuring out more cough mixture to give you.

After that ordeal, everyone made their way to the lounge where the marathon began. They started out with your favourite movie, followed by Grease, Toy Story, The Notebook and The Hangover. It was around 10pm when all the movies were done. You had fallen asleep on Harry's shoulder, seeing as you were sitting next to him.

Niall and Liam said their goodbyes and thanked Louis for a great night before leaving. Harry moved you so you were lying in his lap and he covered you with a blanket.

"Hey Haz, I'll take her up to bed" Louis said.

"It's ok, I really don't mind. I wouldn't want to wake her, she's so peaceful and she needs sleep to get better" Harry replied.

Louis gave Harry a blanket before he also lay on the other couch and fell asleep.

You woke up the following morning, confused as to why you were asleep on Harry. You looked over to Louis who was still sleeping. You slowly sat up, jumping a bit as Harry greeted you.

"Morning love" Harry said to you.

"Hey Haz" you replied.

"You feeling any better?" he asked.

"I am, I still have a headache though" you frowned.

"Oh (Y/N), there's no need to frown, we'll have you better in no time" he smiled.

Louis began waking up as well.

"Morning all" he said with a stretch.

"Hey Lou" you replied.

"Morning mate" Harry said.

"You're looking better today sis" Louis said, looking at you.

"I feel better, just a small headache" you smiled at him.

"Nothing that pancakes won't fix" Louis said, walking toward the kitchen.

"Healthy pancakes" Harry said to you with a wink.

You couldn't help but smile at how great your brother and his mates were to you. Louis let you stay home that day, and then it was weekend.

By the time Monday came around you were a million times better, but Louis still insisted you took it easy for a little while.

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