Niall - Appendicits

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Hey guys, this ones pretty short.  Hope you like it!  :) xxx

I woke up and instantly felt sick.  I groaned a bit and got out of bed.  It was our day off and I was the last one up, which was strange, usually Zayn was up last.  I went and joined the boys in the lounge. 

“Morning Ni, how many pancakes do you want?” Harry asked holding up the pan.

“Morning, umm none thanks, I’m not hungry” I replied.

Liam immediately ran over to me and placed his hand on my forehead.  It wasn’t like me to not be hungry.

“Hmm you are warm” he stated.

Louis brought him a thermometer and he placed it in my mouth. 

“Yup, a low fever.  Anything hurt?” Liam asked.

I shook my head, “just feel a bit sick” I answered.

“Ok, let us know if you feel worse” he said before going back into the kitchen. 

I nodded and lay down on the couch.  I must have been asleep for a while because when I woke up the lads were deciding what to have for lunch. 

“Ni, you hungry?” Zayn asked, noticing I was awake.

I just shook my head.  I felt so sick; I knew I was going to throw up.  I shot up from the couch and ran into the bathroom.  I dropped to my knees and threw up for what felt like hours.  Liam comforted me throughout everything and helped me back to the couch when I was done. 

As I lay down I felt a sharp pain shoot through my stomach, I gasped a little.

“You ok?” Liam asked turning around to face me. 

“Yeah, just a cramp” I said rubbing my stomach.

While the boys were having lunch, I began to fall asleep on the couch again.  Paul came onto the bus to ask if we wanted to do a radio interview today or tomorrow before the concert.  Liam pointed over to me and told Paul that I had a fever, stomach pains and that I was throwing up.  I was grateful Liam looked out for us so much.  A smiled formed on my face before I fell into a much needed sleep. 

A couple of hours later I was ripped out of my sleep by stabbing pains shooting through my stomach.  I screamed in agony as I felt the tears fall freely from eyes.  The boys rushed over to me and asked what was wrong?  I couldn’t speak, after a couple of minutes the pain subsided to a dull ache. 

“My stomach” I choked out before I threw up on the floor. 

“Ni, I don’t think you’re ok” Harry said.

“Maybe someone should call Paul” Louis said as I was sick again.

Liam called Paul and he suggested that I went to the hospital.  I hate hospitals but I had to agree with the amount of pain I was in.  Paul came and picked me up and drove to the hospital.  On the way, I threw up in the car and was screaming from the pain.  The boys felt so helpless, they couldn’t help me this time.

Liam was in tears, he tried so hard to protect me.  Louis was reassuring him that there was no way he could prevent me from getting sick.

Once we got to the hospital I was taken in straight away.  The boys couldn’t be in the room while they were doing the tests. 

Half an hour later, the doctor said I had appendicitis.  The boys came into the room and waited with me until I went in for the operation.  I don’t remember being taken to the operating theatre. 

When I woke up everyone was asleep around the room. 

“Guys” I said quietly.

Louis was the first one awake; he went and woke the others.  That night we played cards and spoke about the new tour. 

The next morning I could leave the hospital.  We had to change the dates of the next few concerts because I had to take it easy for a few days.  The boys looked after me and helped me with anything I needed.  I was still a bit sore from the surgery but they stuck by me.

We spent our extra time off watching movies and playing FIFA.  I was so happy to be with my band of brothers.

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