Request - Niall sick in Japan

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Hey guys, this was a request from NikkiP3.  This is going to be my last update for a while :(  Im going away for Uni for a week and when I get back I will be working at the hospital for a month.  I will try and update again as soon as I can.  It wont be within the next week unfortunately.  Hope you enjoy xxx

The boys landed in Tokyo and were met with masses of fans at the airport.  They were very polite and well behaved, which allowed the boys extra time to take photos and autograph things.  When they reached their hotel, it was close to 1am.  The boys had a quick dinner and went to bed. 

They had a couple of days off before their concert.  The next morning the boys went exploring.  Niall’s first stop was food.  They went to a sushi restaurant, one where the sushi is on a conveyer belt and just keeps moving and you can help yourself.  Niall took full advantage, trying almost everything on the menu.  Two hours later, he was finally done.  They walked around Tokyo, taking in the sites before heading back to the hotel. 

Later that night they were trying to watch TV but they couldn’t understand anything.  Liam rang Paul and he managed to get some English movies and an XBOX with FIFA.  The boys spent most of the night watching movies and playing FIFA.  It was close to midnight when they all went to bed. 

Niall couldn’t sleep, he was tossing and turning.  He shared with Zayn, Louis and Harry shared and Liam had his own room.  All three rooms were connected.  Niall grabbed his phone and sighed when it was only 1:30am.  He felt a stabbing pain in his stomach; he moaned as he sat up and wrapped an arm around his middle.  He knew Zayn would be impossible to wake up.  He was going to go to Liam’s room for help.  As he stood up, he was hit with a wave of nausea.  He grabbed his phone and ran to the bathroom.  He dropped to his knees in front of the toilet as he began throwing up violently.  Each heave shook his body.  When he had a few seconds break he grabbed his phone from his pocket and sent a text to Liam, hoping he had his phone nearby.

To: Li

Help please bathroom.

Niall rested his head on the seat while waiting.  Less than a minute later Liam came into the bathroom.  He frowned at the sight in front of him.  Niall looked so helpless. 

“Ni, what’s up?” he asked crouching down.

“Stomach.... too much sushi” Niall replied before throwing up again. 

When Niall felt he was done, Liam carried him to the couch and set him up with pillows, blankets and a bucket.  Niall was shivering, yet he felt hot at the same time.  Liam put a hand on Niall’s forehead, and pulled away at the heat radiating off the poor lad.  He got a cool washcloth and placed it on Niall’s forehead, Niall sighed in relief.  He sat peacefully for ten minutes before throwing up again.  Liam encouraged Niall as much as he could; he knew Niall hated throwing up. 

Louis came out of his room to get some water when he saw Niall tucked up on the couch.

“You ok Ni?” Louis asked.

Niall shook his head before reaching over to grab his bucket again. 

Louis supported Niall as best he could, but he didn’t have a strong stomach.  He was thankful when he saw Liam coming out of the kitchen to help. 

“Feel better Ni” Louis said, going back to bed. 

“Thanks” Niall rasped out. 

“How you feeling now?” Liam asked.

“Sick and sore” Niall answered.

Liam made a hot water bottle for Niall.  While waiting for the kettle to boil he let Paul know how Niall was.  When the kettle was done, he poured in the hot water and took it Niall.  When he got closer to the couch he saw Niall was crying.

“Ni, why are you crying mate?” Liam asked, concerned.

“Stomach....ahhhh.....shit.....shit this hurts” Niall cried.

Liam placed the hot water bottle on Niall’s stomach.  He waited a couple of minutes before Niall said it’s helping a little. 

“Do you want to sleep in my room?” Liam asked.

Before Niall answered he found himself throwing up again.  He rinsed his mouth out with water, but it didn’t help. 

“I want to stay by you please” Niall whimpered.

“Can you stand?” Liam asked.

Niall shrugged his shoulders in response. 

Liam held out his hands and pulled Niall up.  Niall stood for a couple of seconds with his eyes closed.

“You ok?” Liam asked.

“Bit dizzy” Niall replied.

“You’re dehydrated, we will get you some water when you’re in bed” Liam said.

He guided Niall to his room, when he was half way there Niall stopped walking.

“Gonna be sick” Niall said.

Liam ran and grabbed the bucket from the lounge.  He never made it.  He was a few meters from Niall, when he threw up all over himself.  Liam handed Niall the bucket anyway.  He turned the light on his room and went back out to Niall to help him.  When he looked at Niall, he saw Niall had thrown up blood.  The blood was running out of his mouth and down his shirt. 

“HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Liam screamed as loud as he could.  Everyone, including Zayn, came running out of their rooms. 

“What the hell is going on?  It’s 3:30am” Harry said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. 

“Niall threw up blood!” Liam exclaimed.

“Shit, you ok Ni?” Zayn asked.

Niall just stood still, no expression on his face. 

“Niall..... Niall” Louis said waving his hands in front of Niall’s face.

“Feel funny” Niall said before he collapsed.

Liam rang Paul and told him to get a van ready; Niall has to go to hospital.  Paul went to the boys room and carried Niall to the van. 

When they got to the hospital, Paul carried Niall in.  Everyone was screaming for help, some staff came up to them but never understood what they were saying.

“Does anyone speak English?  We need help!” Louis yelled, getting annoyed that they don’t speak English at the hospital.

A few minutes later they found someone who spoke English.  They took Niall into a room and began running tests.  He had woken up by now, and the boys were with him.  An hour later a doctor came in and explained that he had really severe food poisoning and all of his vomiting, tore the lining of his stomach.  He also explained that Niall had to go for a small operation to stitch the tear closed again. 

Niall was in surgery for ten minutes.  When he woke up he felt a lot better.  He vowed never to eat sushi again, but the boys all knew that wouldn’t last. 

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