Niall passes out

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Hey everyone :)  Im hoping to get a few fanfics up while Im on my break.  Im back at Uni on the 5th Jan and wont have time to write until my next holiday which is luckily in Feb haha.  Hope you had a great Christmas!!  xx

Niall had felt a bit off for most of the day but decided that he could deal with it on his own.  He didn’t want to burden the others with something as insignificant as him feeling unwell.  They had a show tonight and then they had a three day break before jetting off to America.

“Hey Ni, were getting some lunch you coming?” Liam asked.

“Uh, not hungry, thanks” Niall replied.

As soon as Niall said those words he tried to take them back.  Him refusing food meant that his cover was blown, now the boys would find out for sure that something was wrong. 

“You ok?” Liam said back while raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, course” Niall forced a smile back at Liam.

Liam shrugged and joined the rest of the boys in the van, leaving Niall alone on the bus.  The boys weren’t going far for lunch; it was only about ten minutes away from the stadium that they were playing at.  On the way there Niall was discussed, and the boys tried to think of reasons why their Nialler turned down food.  They thought he may be sick but assumed he’d say something if that was the case.  Soon they arrived and were seated waiting to order.

Meanwhile back on the bus, Niall had begun to feel worse.  His stomach ached just that bit more and he felt every heartbeat pulsing in his head. He decided to lay in his bunk and wait for the lads to return, when he’d have to tell them he was sick.  After laying there for ten minutes it was too hot and stuffy, so he got up to move to the couch.  As he stood he swayed for a moment but quickly regained his balance.  He was so close to the couch when his vision began to blur in front of him, he could see black enclosing the edges of his sight.  He knew he was going to pass out.  He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and unlocked the screen, he went onto messages.  By now he had fallen to his knees and his vision was almost all black.  He went onto a message Liam had sent him earlier and replied on that thinking it would be quicker as he knew Liam’s name was at the top because he text him last.  Niall typed ‘hury hel’ and sent it before losing consciousness completely. 

At the restaurant the lads were having an alright time, the food was good but they missed their little leprechaun.  Liam’s phone buzzed and he reached for it.

“Oh, it’s Ni” he said while opening the messages.

“What the hell does that mean?” Harry asked puzzled.

“Maybe its hurry help but something stopped him from typing it all” Louis suggested.

“Guys I got a bad feeling, let’s get back to him” Zayn said standing up.

They all agreed, and left money on the table and told Paul that they needed to go like right now.  Paul never questioned them, sensing the serious tone they each had.  When they got back to the bus they found Niall passed out on the floor. 

“Ni, Niall wake up” Harry said while propping his head up on a pillow.

Paul called an ambulance and explained the little information he knew.  Louis got some cool water and splashed it on Niall’s face.  Soon he started waking up. 

“Ni, what happened?” Liam asked.

“I, uh, was really dizzy.  I don’t feel good” Niall said whimpering.

“Why didn’t you tell us?  What hurts?” Zayn questioned.

“Didn’t wanna bother anyone, my head and stomach” Niall replied softly.                    

Once the paramedics arrived, they checked Niall’s vital signs and they were all normal.  Then they tested his blood sugar and it was really low, causing him to pass out. 

“Why would it be that low?” Harry questioned.

“When was the last time you ate?” the paramedic asked Niall.

“Lunch time yesterday, I felt too sick to try and eat” he replied.

The paramedic gave him some glucose and told the boys to get him some Gatorade and chocolate and let him have that.  They were advised to cancel the concert but obviously they protested.  The concert went ahead.  Niall felt quite safe sitting down with eight eyes constantly on him watching his every move. 

Harry went and sat next to Niall and ate his banana so Niall wouldn’t feel weird about having his chocolate bar on stage!

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