BSM - He's sick

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Hey guys, I had some time today so I thought I'd do an update while I can.  I do have some requests that I am working on at the moment too. I finish at the hospital in 2 weeks, then I'd have more time to write.  Thanks for being so patient without updates :)  This is my second BSM, let me know what you think xxx

Harry (you’re 20 he’s 15)

You finally had the house all to yourself and you had plans to do nothing for the whole day.  It was the first day of your holidays and you were going to catch up on movies and Netflix.  After tidying up the house, you flicked through the channels trying to pick a movie.  Eventually you found one that looked interesting and starting watching it.  You were really into the movie when the phone rang.

“Hello” you said.

“Hi, is this Mrs. (Y/L/N)?” the lady asked.

“No, sorry, this is her daughter” you replied.

“I’m the school nurse, I have Harry here.  He’s quite sick at the moment, would you be able to pick him up?” she asked.

“Um, yes of course, I’ll be there soon” you said.

“Thank you, see you soon, bye” she said.

“Thanks, bye” you replied.

You grabbed your keys, a water bottle and a bucket not knowing what was wrong and headed to Harry’s school.  When you arrived you were directed to the nurse’s office and saw Harry lying in the bed fast asleep.

“Is he ok?” you whispered to the nurse.

“I think it may just be a stomach bug, he has been throwing up and he has a fever” she replied.

“Thank you” you smiled at her.

You signed Harry out and went to wake him up.

“Haz....Haz...come on let’s get you home” you said quietly while shaking him.

He opened his eyes and blinked a few times looking up at you, confused.

“(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Taking you home, come on” you said, helping him up.

He sat up on the bed and swung his legs over the edge.  He groaned a bit before he tried to stand.  He stood up and swayed for a few seconds before sitting back down.

“Everything’s spinning (Y/N)” he mumbled, holding his head.

“Can you make it out to the front?” you asked.

He nodded and stood again.  You put your arm around his waist and led him to the car.  He leaned all his weight onto you, too weak to walk himself.  Once he was in the car you started driving home.  You made it home without any incidents.  As you pulled up into the driveway, Harry began dry heaving over the bucket a few times before throwing up again.

“I hate this” he said to you, with tears in his eyes.

“I know you do Haz” you replied, rubbing circles on his back.

When you were inside, you made Harry a comfy spot on the couch and set him up with some water and a bucket.  You also gave him some stomach relaxers.  You spent the rest of your day off, looking after your sick brother, and you wouldn’t have changed it for the world.

Niall (you’re 16, he’s 12)

Your parents were at a work function and would only be home around 12am.  It was your job to make dinner for you and Niall and make sure he has his homework done and everything ready for school the next day. 

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