Harry - migraine

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The whole day Harry had a headache that just wouldn't go away. He tried every technique but nothing worked. Paul gave him some Panadol but even that didn't work. After rehearsals everyone was relaxing on the bus; Harry sat in the main area with everyone for a while before the pounding in his skull came back. He got up and said he was going to sleep. Everyone said goodnight to him before he went to the bunks. He changed into his pyjamas and tried to get comfortable in the small space. He knew he only had five hours to sleep it off before they played at another sold out stadium, and he didn't want to disappoint the fans.

Harry tossed and turned but soon enough fell asleep. He woke up three hours later to Liam shaking him.

"Haz, wake up mate" Liam said, gently shaking Harry.

"No, it can't be time yet" Harry said quietly.

"You still have some time to sleep, but you threw up all over yourself and your bunk, we need to clean you up" Liam announced, sympathetically.

Harry looked down on himself and saw what Liam meant. He began to apologise and cry uncontrollably.

"What's wrong Haz?" Liam asked.

"I've had a headache all day and I think it's a migraine now" Harry said wincing at the sound of his own voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to throw up here, never even knew I did" he added.

"It's ok Hazza, you're sick. Let's get you in the shower" Louis said from behind Liam.

Louis helped Harry shower and get changed into clean clothes while Liam cleaned his bunk and Niall rang Paul and told him about Harry.

"Paul is coming to see you" Niall said while watching Liam and Louis help Harry back into bed.

"Thanks Ni" Harry whispered.

"Feel better mate" Niall said before leaving to wait for Paul.Harry fell asleep while waiting, but was soon awoken by Paul.

"Hey mate, guess that headaches worse hey?" Paul said.

Harry just nodded, but regretted it as he was hit with a dizzy spell. He clamped his eyes shut and held his head tightly.

"You ok? What's wrong? Harry talk to me" Paul said, getting worried.

"I'm so dizzy" Harry said.Paul lifted Harry's legs up and called for the boys to come help.

"What's going on?" Niall asked, seeing Paul holding Harry's legs up.

"He's dizzy and I don't want him passing out so we have to hold his legs up, Ni take over for me please" Paul said.Niall went and took Paul's place.

"Louis please get a cool wash cloth, I think Harry has a fever" Paul asked.Louis went and got one right away.

"Li, can you get a thermometer please, and a bucket" Paul asked."Of course" Liam replied, rushing off to get what Paul asked for.

Louis came back and placed the cool cloth on Harry's forehead and he couldn't help but smile as he heard Harry sigh in relief. Paul took Harry's temperature and confirmed that he had a fever.

"Haz, I don't think you should go on tonight" Liam spoke.

"The fans, I can't let them down, I owe everything to them" Harry said, with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"They will understand" Niall said.

"You still have an hour and a half, we'll see how you feel then, get some more sleep, ok" Paul said before leaving Harry with the boys.

It was half an hour to stage time and Harry was still asleep. The boys heard him whimpering and crying out in his sleep and it broke their heart, but they had to wake him up.

"Haz, Harry, time to wake up" Louis said while shaking Harry.

"G'way" Harry moaned.

"Time for the show" Louis tried.

"C-can't.... hurts" Harry said holding his head.

"Haz, sit up and have some water, you must be thirsty. You can have some medicine too love" Louis said.

Harry opened his eyes, blinking a few times before sitting up.

"See you're sitting up, how you feeling?" Louis asked.

"Sick" Harry bluntly replied.

"Have some water, it might settle your stomach" Louis offered.

"No, SICK!" Harry emphasised.Louis got the message and passed Harry the bucket just in time for him to throw up. His cries of pain were too much for Louis to hear, he wished there was some way he could help.

Liam and Niall came in to see what all the commotion was, when they saw Harry throwing up they knew they had to find a way to cancel tonight's show. It was bad enough that there were now only four of them, but to perform as a trio wouldn't work, it won't be the same.

After arguing with management, they finally agreed to let the boys do the concert tomorrow so Harry could rest and get better. Harry was relieved to hear that he didn't have to perform tonight, he was also thankful to just have a peaceful night in with his three brothers, knowing they would do anything for him.

The next morning Harry woke up feeling a lot better, and was happy to get out on stage and make thousands of people happy.

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