Harry sick at AMAs (Request)

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Hey guys, this was a request.  Hope you like it!!  :)  xxx

Harry POV

I woke up with a wave of nausea washing over me. I sat up as straight as I could in the small bunk and breathed a little heavier, hoping I wouldn't wake up Maddie. It wasn't long before the nausea passed; I lay back down and tried to fall asleep again. I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep, only to be woken by Maddie shaking me.

"Harry, babe, time to wake up" Maddie said.

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking a few times.

"Morning baby" I said.

"Morning love, breakfast is ready. Lou is coming soon to get everyone ready for tonight" Maddie said, giving me a kiss on forehead.

"You ok Haz, you feel a little warm" she asked.

"I'm ok love" I lied.

"Ok, see you soon" she said, before leaving.

I sat up and put my head in my hands as I felt the nausea coming back. I tried breathing deeply but it didn't help, in fact, it made it worse. I got up and ran to the bathroom, hoping no one was in there. I ran in and slammed the door shut before falling to my knees and throwing up everything I had eaten the day before.

When I was done, I splashed my face and brushed my teeth before joining everyone in the kitchen.

"Hey sleeping beauty, you finally up" Louis said.

"Morning everyone" I said.

"So what's the schedule for today" Maddie asked.

"Well, Lou is coming soon to do hair and makeup and then Caroline is coming to do wardrobe and Paul is getting us all at 3pm. We have to be there at 3:30pm because the red carpet walk starts at 4pm and then it's the awards from 5pm until 10pm and then the after party" Liam announced.

"Woah, you're organised Li" Louis chuckled.

"Someone has to be" Liam shot back.

"Haz...you're not eating?" Maddie asked.

"Not hungry, thanks though" I said through a forced smile.

I felt so sick, my stomach cramped with every move I made. I have no idea what's wrong, it can't be the food, everyone else seems to be fine. It's been four days since our last concert and I haven't been in any contact with fans so I couldn't have picked up a bug. I just wanted this day to be over with.

While everyone was deep in conversation, I slipped away to the bathroom to throw up once again. When I was done, I leaned back against the wall and slowly got my breath back. I knew I couldn't stay for too long, or they'd be suspicious.

I got up, ignoring the dizziness and opened the door. As I opened it, a very surprised Liam was standing in the door way.

"Oh, geez, you scared me Haz" Liam said, with a smile.

"S-sorry" I mumbled.

"You ok?" he asked.

"Yeah" I replied before moving past him.

After Lou arrived to do hair and makeup, the rest of the day went by in a blur. It mainly consisted of me sneaking away to the bathroom to be sick every so often. Liam was keeping an eye on me, because of my earlier behaviour.

Before I knew it I was being shoved into a van and we were on our way to the AMAs. The car ride did nothing for my already uneasy stomach. Once we arrived, it was chaos. There were so many people, so many screaming fans, reporters, TV news, and a lot of flashing lights. I felt my stomach flip again. I swallowed hard, knowing I could not throw up on the red carpet. I stood at the start of the carpet and it looked easily 500m long. It would take us at least half an hour to get to the end with all of the reporters wanting interviews and photos. I was praying that I could make it.

We were half way down the carpet when a cramp shot through my stomach. I squeezed Maddie's hand harder and bent over slightly.

"Harry, are you ok?" she asked, I could see the concern in her face.

"Stomach" I got out through grit teeth as the cramp never subsided.

I had one arm wrapped around my middle and the other holding Maddie's hand.

I breathed a sigh of relief when the cramp disappeared. I stood up straight again, still having an arm around my middle as we walked down further.

"Harry, why didn't you say anything?" Maddie asked.

"Because what difference would it have made?" I asked.

"Well, I would've brought some medicine with to get you through the night" she said.

"Sorry" I said, looking down.

She gave me a kiss, which sent the fans crazy.

We were close to the entrance when I felt my stomach flip again, this time more harshly than before. We were currently being asked about the new album and it was filmed live, so I knew I had to keep my stomach in place. Maddie must have seen my discomfort as she moved me slightly out of the cameras view.

"What's wrong love?" she whispered.

"Gonna be sick" I whispered back.

"Let's go inside" she said.

"I can't leave now, it'll draw too much attention" I said, feeling the bile climbing up my throat.

"So will throwing up on the red carpet" Maddie said.

I turned my attention back to the reporter just as the interview was finishing. I was so glad that we were going to be inside soon. We said our goodbyes to the reporter and turned to walk the final piece. We had one more photo before we could go in.

I stood as best as I could and smiled, not opening my mouth too much. After the shot was taken we were ushered inside. We had just moved out of view of everyone on the red carpet when I gagged.

Maddie saw me and grabbed my hand as we were rushing to find a bathroom.

"Mads, what's going on?" Liam yelled to us.

"Sick" Maddie yelled back.

Niall, Liam and Louis all ran behind us, wondering what was happening. Maddie stopped to ask someone where the bathroom was but my stomach flipped and I threw up right there. I looked up in horror to see that I had thrown up all over the front of Maddie's stunning dress.

"Mads, I am so sorry" I said, crying and falling to my knees.

"Harry, it's just a dress. I want you better, ok" she said, with a smile.

"Harry are you ok?" Liam, Louis and Niall all asked at the same time, having finally caught up to us.

"No" I whimpered.

"How many times have you been sick today?" Liam asked.

"Too many to remember" I replied.

I saw Maddie talking to someone on the phone but the cramps in my stomach were too overpowering for me to concentrate on what she was saying.

"I just spoke to Paul, he's coming to get Harry and I and take us back to the hotel" Maddie said.

Paul came and led us out of a back entrance so that no one saw. Maddie and I were taken back to the hotel where she took amazing care of me. We lay on the couch watching the AMAs, and were ecstatic when we saw that we had won some awards.

"Mads.... I am so sorry we couldn't be there, and for throwing up on your dress" I said quietly.

"It's ok, I just hate seeing you sick" she replied.

"Besides, do you know how much I can sell that dress for?" she said with a chuckle.

I picked up a pillow and hit her playfully on her arm.

"Ouch!" she said smiling.

"You can be lucky I love you so much Styles" she added.

"Love you too Mads" I smiled, slowly drifting into a much needed sleep.

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