Request - You get sick the night before Harry leaves for tour

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Hey guys this was a request from NikkiP3.  Hope you like it :) xx

You couldn’t believe how fast the boys three month break went.  You loved it when Harry was with you, he made you so happy.  Unfortunately, that happiness had to end sometime, and that was tonight.  Harry was leaving to tour tonight.  You always toured with them around your area but this time they started internationally first. 

You groaned as you leaned over to check the time 3:47am.  Ugh, you wished your brain would just shut off and stop thinking that this was your last night with Harry for the next six months.  You couldn’t sleep, you just stared at him.  His soft lips were slightly parted as he lay with his arms folded across his chest.  He was beautiful, and he was yours.  Eventually you fell asleep, only to be woken by your alarm at 7am. 

“Morning baby” Harry said as he stretched over you and enclosed you in a hug.

“Morning” you replied.

“You ok love?” he asked.

“Yeah, I just didn’t get much sleep” you answered. 

You and Harry both got up.  He went downstairs to start on breakfast; you went into the bathroom in search of medicine for your aching head.  You found some, and headed downstairs to see Harry singing in the kitchen while he cooked.  A tear rolled down your cheek, Harry turned around and saw you crying. 

“(Y/N) what’s wrong?” he asked in a panicked voice.

“I-I-I’m going t-to miss you s-s-so much” you said while sobbing into his shoulder.

He pulled you closer to him and held you tightly.  He softly cupped your cheek, he then pulled back feeling how warm you were.

“I’m going to miss you so much too honey...... are you feeling ok?” he asked.

You began wiping the tears from your eyes, you looked up at him with a sad face, “I uh, I’ve just got a bit of a headache” you said while rubbing your eyes.

“Love, why didn’t you say anything?” he asked.

“It’s no big deal” you replied.

“Why don’t you go lay on the couch, I’ll bring breakfast out to you” he said with a wink.

You nodded and headed off to the couch.  A couple of minutes later Harry set the plate down in front of you.  You looked at the food and instantly felt sick. 

“Eat up baby” he said while sitting next to you.

“Ugh, I don’t think I can.... I’m starting to feel sick” you said while moving the plate away from you. 

“Let me get a thermometer” Harry said.

Soon he came back and took your temperature.  “38.9 (102.0), off to bed for you young lady” he said while helping you up. 

You were half way up the stairs when you felt sicker than ever. 

“Haz, I’m gonna be si-“ was all you spoke before you threw up all over the stairs.  You began sobbing and apologising. 

“Please don’t apologise, you’re sick baby” Harry said as he picked you up bridal style, carrying you to bed.  He lay you down gently and covered you before heading off to get some supplies.  He came back with some medicine, a wet cloth and a bucket.  He put the cloth on your forehead, you sighed at the relief it brought. 

He slid into bed next to you and wrapped his arms around you while rubbing your stomach in circles and began singing Strong.  Soon you fell asleep.  You woke up a few hours later and threw up again, but fell asleep straight away again. 

“(Y/N) up” Harry whispered.

You slowly opened your eyes “I’m up” you said. 

“Love, Paul is here..... it’s time for me to leave” he said, his eyes slowly filling with tears. 

“ can’t be time already... please....please stay” you say while sobbing.

“I’m so sorry love, I hate to leave you, especially now.  I promise I’ll phone you as soon as we land” he said while hugging you.

You got out of bed and wrapped your arms around Harry as you two stood in the middle of the room crying. 

“I didn’t want you to be alone so I called Gemma to come over and stay with you” Harry mentioned. 

You gave him a kiss before he turned around and left with Paul hurrying along.  You watched by the window as the love of your life climbed into the van and drove off.  You went back to bed and cried yourself to sleep as Gemma reassured you that everything will be ok. 

You woke up an hour later with someone climbing into bed next to you, you assumed it was Gemma and turned around to thank her.

“Harry?...... what are you doing home?” you questioned.

“I threw up at the airport, and Niall is pretty sick too so they pushed the tour back three weeks” he said as he wrapped you in his safe arms.  You both fell asleep instantly. 

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