Harry's sick but no one believes him

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Hey guys,  sorry about how bad this one is.  I wasnt really sure where to go with it!!  Just a couple of things... 1.  Im sure were all worried about Louis, and hope our BooBear gets better soon.  2. I read the saddest fanfic last night.  If you guys want a real tear jerker, read All Of The Stars by Molly_Oleary with the music.  But be warned, you will cry :-)

Anyways, here's the story.

“Thank you Sydney, you’ve been great” Liam yelled as the boys walked off the stage.  The boys enjoyed performing, but they were all thankful they had two days before their next concert.  They did have a few interviews to do the next day, then a day free before the concert.  They walked back onto bus and relaxed a bit before dinner.  After dinner Louis and Niall were playing XBOX, Liam was reading, Zayn was on the phone with Perrie and Harry was lying down on the couch. 

Around 11pm, Harry stood up and said he is going to bed.  None of the others heard him, so he left and hopped into his bunk.  He heard the rest of the boys coming to bed at about 12:30am.  He couldn’t believe he was still awake.  He lay there, tossing and turning trying to get comfortable.  He wasn’t really feeling too well, but he couldn’t pinpoint what it was.  He decided to get up and have some water, and then try sleeping again.  The cool water seemed to hurt his throat a bit; he shrugged it off as pushing too far vocally at the concert.  He went back to bed, and eventually fell asleep.

The boys had a rare occasion where they could actually sleep in for once.  Their first interview wasn’t until 1pm.  Liam was up around 10am and decided that everyone should be up as well.  He got Louis and Niall up; he then walked over to Harry’s bed and pulled back the curtain.  He saw Harry whimpering in sleep, and assumed he was having a nightmare.  He shook him gently, but he never woke up, Liam then shook Harry harder and he woke up.  As soon as he opened his eyes, he thought great, add a headache to list.  He sat up slowly and greeted Liam as his voice broke slightly.  Liam thought it was his morning voice; he greeted Harry and went to get Zayn up. 

All the boys were now up and in the kitchen while they were wondering what to have for breakfast.  They decided on bacon and eggs, Harry just had some oats as his throat was now hurting. 

“Mate, you’re not joining us in this?” Niall asked.

“No thanks, my throats a bit sore this morning” Harry replied softly.

“Don’t push yourself so hard next time” said Zayn.

Harry just nodded, which made his head hurt more. 

“We still have an hour and a half before we need to leave, what shall we do?” Louis asked.

The boys all shrugged and carried on with breakfast.  After breakfast Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam watched some TV and Harry went back to bed.  He was getting so cold, so he grabbed the rest of the boys blankets out of their bunks and piled it onto his.  He drifted off into a much needed sleep. 

“Where did Haz get to?” Liam asked.

“Dunno” Niall answered.

“I’ll go check up on him” said Liam.

He walked into the back of the bus by the bunks and noticed Harry’s curtain was pulled closed.  He opened it slowly and all he saw were some soft brown curls sticking out under five blankets. 

“Guys, come here” Liam said.

The lads came running and all stopped at stared at Harry. 

“What’s up with him?” Louis asked.

“Maybe he feels like he isn’t getting much attention and now he wants some” Zayn said.

“What makes you think that?” Louis asked.

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