Niall sick and Zayn checks up on him

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Niall POV

The rest of the lads all went back to the UK but I wanted to spend some more time in LA so I stayed behind for a few more days. At the time it was a great decision, but I regret it now. I'm all alone in the hotel room that I shared with Liam a few days ago and I am sick. It all happened really quickly, I had a bit of a stomach ache last night before the boys left but I hoped that sleep would've fixed it. I woke up this morning to a full blown stomach bug. It really isn't pretty. My stomach is cramping and twisting and I cannot even begin to think about the amount of times I've been sick.

I slowly drag myself out of bed to wash out the bin that I've been using. I look at myself in the mirror and all I see is my pale complexion and purple bags under my eyes. I sigh to myself as my stomach churns painfully, I turn to face the toilet and fall to my knees before throwing up stomach acid. I have nothing in my system to throw up anymore. I cry as it burns my throat and my stomach cramps painfully trying to make me throw up but there's nothing left. I am completely miserable. I flush the toilet and brush my teeth before climbing back into bed.

I slowly drift off to sleep feeling physically exhausted. I slept peacefully for an hour before I woke up screaming at nothing and covered in sweat. I moaned as I curled myself up tighter and tried to rub some of the cramps out of my stomach. I was starting to fall asleep again when I heard my phone ringing. I didn't even look at the caller ID before I answered it.

"H-hello" I rasped out, wondering who was on the other end.

"Hey.... Niall... you sound terrible, are you ok?" Zayn asked.

"Zee?" I questioned.

"Yeah mate; it's me, are you ok?" He asked.

"Actually, I feel like shit" I answered.

"Where are you?" Zayn asked.

"Still in LA at the hotel" I answered weakly.

"What room are you in? I'm coming over" Zayn said, I heard keys being grabbed in the background.

"Um... 230" I said.

"See you soon Ni" Zayn said before hanging up.

I fell asleep after I spoke to Zayn only to be woken up by him banging on the door.

"Niall... its Zayn... open up" he yelled while hitting the door.

I slowly walked over to the door, one arm wrapped around my middle for protection. I opened the door and saw Zayn standing there with some shopping bags.

"Woah, Ni, you look terrible" Zayn said, walking in.

"Thanks" I joked back.

"Well, I brought you some soup and crackers and medicine" Zayn said, starting to unpack everything.

"I also rang Liam and gave him an update, you know how he gets if he finds out one of you guys is sick and he doesn't know about it" Zayn added.

"Thanks for that" I said before climbing back into bed.

Zayn brought over some soup and I felt sick just by the smell of it. Zayn must have seen the colour drain from my face as he handed me the bin just in time.

"There we go Ni, you're doing great" Zayn cooed while rubbing my back.

I was just dry heaving and throwing up the tiniest amount of stomach acid, I was completely empty.

"Ni, you have to eat something so you can have some medicine to stop the pain and bring your fever down" Zayn told me, handing me some crackers.

I munched on a few crackers and managed to keep them down. Once I had enough Zayn gave me some medicine and I fell asleep again.

I woke up several hours later to Zayn asleep next to me. I looked over at the time and it was already 9pm. I was feeling a bit better and starting to feel hungry. I got out of bed and went to heat up some of the soup Zayn brought me. I sat on the couch and flicked through the channels until Zayn got up and joined me.

"You should've woken me, I would have gotten the soup for you Ni" Zayn chuckled.

"It's ok, thanks heaps for coming over and bringing me this stuff" I said, drinking my soup.

"Well we don't get to see much of each other anymore so it's good to spend time with you again, I just wish it wasn't when you're sick" Zayn said.

"W-will you stay over?" I asked, slightly embarrassed by what I had just said.

"Of course, you're not 100 percent yet" Zayn smiled.

After my soup I had some more medicine and went to bed. Zayn borrowed some clothes and slept in the bed Liam was in.

The next morning I woke up with just a sore throat from being sick so much. Zayn made us some breakfast and I had some more medicine before we headed out and Zayn showed me all around the new town that he calls home.

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