Harry and Liam sick at a house party

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Louis POV

We had just finished out OTRA tour in Sheffield and we were all heading home for a bit before we had other commitments to attend.

"We should have a party" Niall suggested, on the drive home.

Even though we each had our own homes where we grew up, plus our own individual houses we also all clubbed in and bought a mansion in London where we could all stay whenever we wanted.

"Sounds like a good idea Ni, what do you guys think?" I asked Liam and Harry.

"Should be fun" Harry replied.

"When and where?" Liam asked.

Niall thought for a bit before answering.

"What about this weekend at the share house?" Niall suggested.

"That's three days; can we plan, organise and invite people all in three days?" I asked.

"We can" Niall answered with a smile.

Once we got back to the share house we were all exhausted so we went to bed to get a good night's rest so we can start planning the party tomorrow.

*The next morning*

I got out of bed around 10am and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

"Morning Li" I said, seeing Liam in the kitchen already.

"Morning Lou, did you sleep alright?" Liam asked.

"I was out like a light" I chuckled back, sitting down with some Special K.

"Wonder when the others will realise it's a new day already" Liam laughed.

"Haz will probably be up next" I suggested.

Liam and I had our breakfast and went to the lounge room. It was nearing 12pm when Harry and Niall both came walking through looking half asleep.

"They're alive!!" I joked.

"Ha-ha very funny Lou" Harry said, not so happily.

Once Harry and Niall had their breakfast they joined us in the lounge room.

"Ok guys, we need to plan this. Invitations need to be sent today but we can't Tweet about it, can you imagine the chaos and mayhem if all our followers know our address" I said.

"Who can we invite?" Harry asked.

"Our family obviously, um.... I think Ed is in town, we can invite him too. Simon will have to be invited, Maddie has to come too but that's a given" Harry said.

"Skylar will come too, I know she will. Ariana is here too, Lunchmoney Lewis would come" Liam said.

"C-can we invite Zayn?" Niall whispered

"Of course we can Ni" I replied.

We sat for an hour working out who all to invite and eventually sent out the invitations. By that afternoon just about everyone who we had asked had RSVP'd.

The next day we went shopping and got some stuff that we needed and organised caterers to do the food for us, as well as a DJ that Liam knew from the Funky Buddah to play some music.

"How many people are coming?" Harry asked.

"Ummm around 180 all up" I answered.

Once we got back home we tidied up a bit before watching a movie and heading to bed.

*The next day*

It was now the day before the party, both Harry and Liam seem a bit off which is odd because both their girlfriends are coming.

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