Louis passes out

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Louis POV

*Cough cough cough* I am so over this flu. It's day five and despite being on meds, I just can't get better. I'm constantly hot and then cold, I can't breathe properly, my throat hurts too much to swallow or eat and drink, and to top it all off this is our final week off before we start our new tour and I've been sick for all of it. I'm not very hungry, but I am incredibly thirsty, it hurts too much to drink so I've only been having small sips of Gatorade every few hours.

"Hey Lou, how are you doing today?" Liam asks, as he walks into my room.

"No better" I rasp out.

Liam frowns as he places a hand on my forehead. I lean in to his cool touch, sighing at the slight relief it brings me.

"I think your fever has gotten worse Lou" Liam says as he looks around for the thermometer.

He places it in my mouth and wait in a comfortable silence for the beep. Once it's done, Liam looks at the numbers.

"39.8 (103.6F)" Liam reads out.

"That's gone up way too high" Niall speaks, entering the room.

"Ni, can you fill the bath up with cool water please?" Liam asks Niall, he nods and walks into the bathroom and begins filling up the bath.

Liam POV

Niall is filling up the bath so we can try and get Louis fever down. I feel so bad for him; he doesn't look well at all. He's sweating and shivering, his skin is clammy and pale but he has red rosy cheeks and he coughs every time he tries to breathe.

"Do you have a headache?" I ask Louis.

He shakes his head no and I am relieved that he has one less symptom than he did yesterday.


Harry came racing into the room, almost not stopping in time.

"What's going on?" he asks out of breathe.

"Geez Haz, I'm not dying" Louis jokes.

"Louis's fever is way too high so I need you to help me carry him into the bathroom please" I ask.

Harry takes Louis on one side and I take the other and we get him into a standing position.

I watch as Louis closes his eyes for a moment and then opens them again, blinking a few times.

"All good?" I question wearily.

"Y-yeah" Louis replies quietly.

We start walking towards the bathroom when Louis stops suddenly.

"You ok Lou?" Harry asks.

"D-don't know... I-I feel kinda funny" Louis replies.

"Funny how?" I ask, worried.

"Like I'm gonna pass out" Louis replies

"Get him on the floor" I tell Harry.

As we start lowering Louis to the floor he becomes limp in our arms.

"BATH NOW!" I yell.

We whisk Louis up and race into the bathroom, thankful that Niall has everything ready.

"Louis?" Niall questions.

"He passed out Ni" I tell Niall.

We get Louis into the bath clothes and all and wait nervously for him to wake up. Around a minute later, his eyes begin to flutter open.

"Welcome back Lou, you scared us there" Harry says.

"S-sorry, I felt awful for a few seconds and then nothing" Louis replies, closing his eyes.

"You passed out mate, but I need you stay awake for me now" I tell him.

"I'm so tired" Louis says.

"I know you are, but we need to get this fever down" Harry says.

After twenty minutes we check his temperature again.

"37.8 (100F), that's a lot better" I say.

We help Louis out of the bath and get him dressed before giving him some soup and some meds to help his fever and cough.

"Get some sleep Lou, you need it" Harry says.

"Um, Haz...d-do you think that um, you could maybe, if you wanted to um, lay with me please?" Louis asked sweetly, with his face flushing red from embarrassment.

"I'd love that Lou" Harry replied smiling broadly.

"Night you two..... no funny business" I chuckled as I closed the door, hoping that Louis would feel better tomorrow.

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