Ch 3. Happy Memories

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"I'm slow,

and I wasn't as smart as everyone else,

but even after I leave, I'll do my best!"

Conny is finally leaving. After 6 years of loving, laughing, crying, playing, and living together, as a family, we're finally going our separate ways.

"I have Little Bunny, so I'll be okay."

The room stays silent for a couple of seconds, and then someone speaks up. That someone is Don, Conny's absolute best friend.

"Conny..." .



"I don't want to leave anymore! I want to stay here!"

"Conny... Conny!"


The front door shuts, causing Mama and Conny to leave, leaving the rest of the orphanage children inside the house. Except for me.

I was waiting outside for Conny to come, so I can talk to her about something.

"Hey Conny, can I tell you a secret?"

I ask her, Mama watching us. But Mama trusts me, she has for a long time now.

"I'll let you both talk for a while, make sure to be quick though. Conny's foster parents are waiting."

I kneel down to get on Conny-height level, then say:

"Conny, there's a game I want you to play. I also played this game with Hao, Cenny, and everybody else! Wanna hear it?"

Conny's sad frowny face quickly turns into a 'This is The Best Day Of My Life' face.

"A game? I like games, I wanna hear it N/N!"

"Well, here's what you'll have to do..."


"Creek," goes the door when I open it.

"Oh, N/N! Where were you!? We were all so worried!"

Emma comes up to me and hugs me, while Ray stares at me with his usual annoyed expression.

"Well, I was outside saying goodbye to Conny. I'm not a heartless monster, I'm going to miss Conny as well."

"What did you and Conny talk about?"

Ray asks me, suspiciously.

"Ray, I already told you... I just said my goodbyes."

"Come on, we have to hurry up and go on cleaning duty."

Norman adds. Today is the day Emma, Norman, Gilda and me clean the dining area. Not one of my favorite jobs, but at least I don't have to do it by myself.

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