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Hello readers! I'm going to make this lovely announcement nice and short, just like everyone likes it.

       I'm well aware that most of you guys are from the U.S or United States, and if you go to school then right now you're on Summer break. Well, I'm currently living in Mexico, therefore I still have to go to school five days a week along with the rest of my depressed classmates. 

You guys are so lucky, I swear. I finish in July and only get a month of vacation, how unfair is that!?!? My cousins and relatives in the U.S were released last month, and I still have one more to go! And what's even worse, is that we all go back to school around the same time, in August. This is truly an injustice, but I feel like I may have gotten distracted from my main goal here with this text.

      What I mean to say with all this is that my publishing schedule will not change, as I still am not given the liberty of a vacation. Thank you for reading my fanfiction, Continue to Lie, and I hope you keep supporting me and your character, F/N, or Margaret, however you wanna call her, until she dies at the end!

(I've been wondering recently, are any of you guys actually named Margaret? Probably not, 'cause it's not really a common name, but if you are, that would be weird for the story because both your names would be the same hehe, and that takes away the point of the alias!)

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