File 53 Male Reader x Susan The Spider

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P.Fella:Hey brother and sisters from another mother we are back and with the spidy i received a request from a guy and i think this is awesome but i can't do it now so i'll leave it to file 71 if you guys send me requests it would be great it's more easier if you send me some stories ideas i have my notebook but it fails me sometimes so...yeah do it if you want see one of your stories ideas here kay? :3


[y]:Yaaaawnn...oh today is saturday....nice

I got up from the bed got dressed and left to the kitchen i made some eggs and bread together with some milk better this then anything...after that i went to cook some beaf for later when...

[y]:Okay here it goes and low on resources....i think i need to go mining...*Sigh* okay let's go...

I got some food 5 picaxes a sword some torches and a bucket of water....and a bunch of other random stuff that might be necessary down there...

[y];So i saw this weird cave when i was walking back from the village...

I left towards the cave location...

[y];Well i need to be careful if i wanna get out of there alive...

i started to think in various ways i could die there...lava....zombies skeletons...spiders...raped.......wait what?!

#Timeskip# Caves

It's been a while since im here and i got a lot of coal and iron some diamonds and a lot a lot of redstone...

[y]:I could use this redstone to build those automatic things...

I was about to leave when...

???:Oh no!

I looked over to see a spider generaly i would kill it since the are all hostile to me but she seemd friendly and she was in trouble...she was holding on the string on top of the lava

[y]:Oh damn!

I quickly pulled out a bucket of water and threw it on the lava making obisidian and a safe path to her...


[y]:Um..miss is already ok...the lava is gone...

She opened her eyes and looked at the ground wich i was stading on...


She let go of the string and walked to me...

???;Never talk about this again ok?


???;And thank you for saving me...

[y]:it's no problem

I patted her head and she blushed...

???:Do- don't do that!

She held my hand and lowered it but didn't let go...

[y]:Um...are you ok?

???;your hand it's injured...

[y];Oh yeah it was because my sword broke so i had to punch the zombie off me

???:Let me help you now sit there

[y]:there's no need ok? im fine i swe-

???:Sit there now!

[y];Ok im gonna sit down...

I sat on a rock and she held my hand and started to wrap it in webs

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