56 Male Reader x Yandere Selena The Endergirl

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P.Fella:So here we again let's start this!


[y]:Wow! Skeletons Goddamn!

I pulled my sword and dodged another arrow i jumped up and slashed him down....

[y]:Ok...now to the ender portal....

I walked some more until i found the portal in the stronghold....


I placed the ender eyes and the portal lit up and it was now open...

[y]:Ok now To the End!

I jumped in and i landed in an spot full of obsidian floating...

[y]:That's a jump to death but how im gonna get there?

I saw an Ender hidding it looked like a girl she was sitting down woth her hands on her ears as the Dragon flies by trying to hit her....

[y];I need to help her....

I pulled my bow and Shot the Crystal the dragon screched in pain...the girl looked at me....and smiled...she teleported in front of me and hugged me then she teleported back with me...

[y]:Thank you....

She didn't say anything just smiled and disapeared again....

[y]:Ok...now a dragon!

I pulled out my sword and began the fight....


After the battle i was tired i sat down on the rock and began to regain my breath....then the girl appeared again...

[y]:Hey*Pant* you're back.....

???:I was worried about you....

[y]:Thanks for caring.... What's your name?

???;It's Selena

[y]:Nice to meet you *Pant* well i guess i'll get the egg and leave i need to go to sleep....

I got and began to walk in the direction of the egg when i got teleported back close to her

[y]:What? Why?

Selena:You trying to leave me....

[y]:What no im not leaving you im jist going back home!

Selena:This is home....

[y]:For you is not for me look i'll be back ti visit you ok?

Selena;I din't wanna visits....i want you.... You're mine!

I was scared i held the grip in my sword

[y]:Selena...i don't wanna hurt you...

Selena:Even if you tried you couldn't hit me....

I pulled out a bucket of water spahed it all over her she teleported away...I took the oportunity to run grab the egg and enter the portal....i was back home...holding the egg

[y]:Great im back! What the heck was up with that girl....she looked like a psycho....good thing it's over....

I placed the egg on a block like a trophy and left to take a bath....

[y]:What was up woth her....in a minute she's all friendly and stuff then she got scary...wjat did she meant by 'you're mine?'

I sighed and shrugged it off as i would hardly see her again....

[y]:For now i think i'll go repair my things with the blacksmith and after that i can start the search on The Wither....

#Timeskip# Village

I walked in the building and called out for her...

[y]:Rose come here...it's me [y]!

Rose:Oh hi [y]! What brings you here?

[y]:Well i need some repair on my stuff

Rose:Oh...ok show it to me....

I showed my beated up Diamond armor and sword

Rose:Wow you fought what? The devil?

[y]:No the Ender Dragon...it was really bad....

Rose:I can see okay i'll fix it but you gotta pay me somehow....

[y]:Of course how can i pay you?

Rose;Well then...*Whisper in ear* have s3x with me....

My eues widen as i looked at her to see her smirking while licking her lips...

[y]:Tha-Tha-Tha-That's a high price! My virginity!

Rose:Oh you're virgin? Good~

[y]:Please ask me anything else but not that!

Rose:Well then go on a date with me...

[y]:Ok...ok....i'll do it l! The date! But you beter repair my things!

Rose:Don't worry about this....meet me at 8!

I left and felt like there was someone watching me....i shrugged it off and continued my way....


I took a bath after exercising and left towards Rose's house when i arrived there i saw my sword on the ground still broken...

[y]:What? Why?.....well she didn't even repaired it....

Then an offle smell filled up my lungs...making my cough

[y]:Urgh! What is this horrible smell?!

It was coming from inside the house i walked in and my eyes widen i saw Rose dead with her head teisted and her intestines falling from her stomach...i nearly threw up....

[y]:Who could done this atrocity!?

I heard some movement outside i held my sword and left the house looking around until i saw a figure in the hill it had glowy purple eyes i looked down because i knew who it was...

[y]:Selena! You kiled Rose didn't you?!

Selena:I did it was necessary she was trying to take yoh away!

[y]:You're crazy!

Selena:That wasn't very nice [y] perhaps you need punishment!

I ran at her and slahed she dodged it

Selena:Stop trying to hit me with that!

[y]:I know what i can do!

I pulled another bucked of water and soashed at her she disappeared and appeared in a hill a bit far away!

Susan:You're mine!

She teleported in front of me then teleported me into a obsidian wall room

Selena:Here will be your new home until you learn to love me!

She left and the metal door was shut i sighed since there was no way out the here.....

[y]:Well this is my life now?

#Timeskip# 2 Years later

I woke up from my bed i looked beside me and saw my dear Selena Still a sleep...i gently ruffled my hand through ber hair and talked in her ear...

[y]:Darling.....wake up.....it's morning!

She yawned and looked at me then smiled and kissed me i kissed back

[y]: I love you....

Selena:Me too....


P.Fella:And we are done for today 3 stories it is! I'll see you guys next file bye!

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