File 150 Last Male on The Yandereverse part VI

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Rodri:So? You are ready for part VI one file later we reach this...hope you remember wait im gonna remind you..


-Last Time on Last Male-

Tiffany:1 Finnaly found you my mate...



[y]: Tiffany Found me out!

All3:Oh shit!

-Now on Last Male

Lil:How you let yourself get found?!

[y]:She said the mask or the prize!

Glados:You so Dumb..


Lil:What we gonna do?!

Konan:Follow me i know where we can hide!

Us 3 looked at eachother Before nodding and Following her..

Lil:You know where you Going?

Konan;Of course Dumbass! If i asked you to follow i know what im doing!

Glados:She got a point..

[y]:Okay let me Re ask.. Where are we going?

Konan:Into a place where we can stay low until the Heat is out of us!

Glados:Oh... It has games?

Konan:Im Taking you to a hideout not a Fucking Playground!

Lil: Thats the artificial inteligence?

Konan: More of a Artificial Stupidnence!

Glados:My Systems are Way more Useful then your Stupid Rice sized brains!

[y]:Can We stop! Insulting eachother?!

Lil&Konan&Glados:Shut up you Empty Headed Baffon!


As more that we ran i could hear gunshots behind us..

Konan:They really don't want to let you go..

Glados:Its lile he is the Last bottle of water in the desert..

Lil: Well he is the Last Dick on the universe..

Konan:In here come on!

She pointed inside a Cave we all entered and She Pulled some vines in front of the small entrance..

Konan:I guess we are safe..

Lil:For now..

Glados:That was exciting..

[y]:And Extremely Tiring..ow my lower back..

Lil:We need to stay here until the heat downs a bit..

Glados:Then we can try go to the Spaceship and leave..

[y]:To where?

Glados:There are plenty Planets on the Universe....

Konan:And Plenty Woman aswell...

I sat on the floor and Rested my back against a rock..


[y]:Well Running From An Army and Now from an Galaxy squad...and i think i got Lumbago...

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