battle at the con

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Everyone at ace savvy conversation become amaze to see tchang zu while walking by to the stage and stop by boy in card shark costume to see tchang.

Boy: "Nice costume dude. It's so realistic."

Finn: "thanks kid."

"Not so fast punks."

They turned around to see Gilda and the group in the crowd with angry look as Aladdin say to uncle, "get chi spell ingredient ready. Uncle." Uncle and torhu went to table to make chi spell ingredient for the thunder demon.

Shendu: "stop the old man."

Chip and his workers running towards them but got blocked by genie now posing as a fat hillbilly and said, "how 'bout a pack of nutty buddies." Knock them back with his belly to crash through comic book stand. Out cold.

Tchang throw a lighting bolt at Gilda but dodge it just in time to amaze the fans in the conversation. She deliver him with a uppercut by the jaw.

Girl: "wow, Nice special effects."

The deuce (aka lily loud) throw dirty diaper at chow and finn  begin laughing about. Copper plume and the royal flush (aka lana loud) attack rasto with wrench and roundhouse kick. The joker (luan loud) offered a hand to hak foo and said, "put it there pal." He decided shake her hand but something shocking him bit and pass out on the floor it's joy buzzer.

Jackie: "uncle, the chi ingredient spell is ready, yet."

Torhu: "yup."

The high card (lori loud): "perfect."

He toss of pair of Castanets to the high card hands and uncle begin to chant while holding test tube with chi spell, "Yu mo gwai gui fai di zao. Yo mo gwai gu fai di zao." It transferred into the castanets and she began clapping the castanets.

Shendu and finn running towards her but stop by Jackie and copper plume with kick in the gut. The high card start firing chi spell at thunder demon that send him flying through the roof to the city with couple of people watching him.

Zack: "cool, space alien."

Mr. Gurdle: "my word."

Coach pacowski talking with the norm in the gym then all of sudden tchang demon door open up.

Norm: "that's new."

They heard screaming from outside and turn around to see tchang enter the gym towards the portal and went inside to demon world and the portal sealed shut.

Coach pacoswki: "neat."

Everyone begins cheering for the show what gilda and her group just pulled.

Shendu: "curses again."

He rise his hands up to teleport him and his goons back to their hideout at their universe. Chip and his workers begin waking up from genie attack to see no sign of shendu or tchang but he gasped to see chip in his tooth and look up at Gilda, "we'll be back for you, Gilda and including your team too."

They exit the building towards the van to escape royal woods back to big city.

Aladdin patted on copper plume back and say, "way to go copper on your 1st mission assignment."

Jade: "yeah."

Luna: "not bad for a rookie."

Copper: "thanks guys."

[New chapter is out]

raridash story vol. 2: shendu return Where stories live. Discover now