the banner plan (short)

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In the high school gym with flash sentry, sandalwood, and micro chip are setting sound a sheet of paper, along with different kind of paints, markers, crayons, glitter, and other kind of art supplies. Today, vice principal luna, viper, and captain black.

Vice Principal luna: "we're sure, you come up for a perfect sign to let crystal prep kids feel welcome but know that we also stiff competition."

Flash: "yeah, sure."

Micro chip: "100 percent."

Sandalwood: "totally."

Viper: "we'll be back for an hour to see you come up with."

Since the trio left the gym to leave the boys alone with the supplies and look down the poster just then flash has an idea, as he says, "I got it! We should decorate it with the sheet music to my song "love in the flash." It'll show them we're talented while welcoming them in with the universal language of music."

Micro chip suggested, holding his calculator, "I was thinking we could paint a model of DNA. It's shows that we're smart but invites them in with the very fiber of our being."

Sandalwood: "but what we should do is portary peace thought art. One love, bros."

They then begin working on their banners to make perfect sign for crystal prep but didn't goes well at all and begin angry, "you're ruining my design." They then heard clear throat to turn around to see vice principal luna and the others who's show up at the gym toward the banner. The three stop and stand  in a line waiting for the three to see the work they done. When they looked to see the banner they are shocked.

Vice principal Luna: "my, oh, my."

Captain black: "whoa nelly."

Viper: "goodness."

Micro chip: "we're really."

However, viper says, "proud of yourselves, I hope. This is wonderful."

Captain black: "the banners look amazing, boys."

Flash say with confused look, "it is?" While the others are speechless." Viper says to them of surprise, "it's inspiring but still warm and welcoming. We love how to work is literally enmeshed. Truly excellent work. Boys."

Flash says as he managed to calm himself, "uh, thank you! This is just what happens when you allow love to lead the way."

Micro chip: "with song."

Sandalwood: "through the self-replicating material present in nearly all living organism."

Vice principal Luna smiles, and says, "that's great to hear. Now just add "welcome Crystal prep", and we'd like to see five more by end of the day."

Captain black: "oh, flash. You going to Canada with crane, the chans, tohru, wondercolt cadet soarin skies, iron man, applejack, and supergirl on Thursday because we got intel about shendu going over there to release his brother hsi wu the sky demon."

Flash: "that's cool but me and my family having dinner with ruby and his family at our house on Thursday."

Captain black: "really, that's good. I'm going to ask someone going to Canada on Thursday."

"I'll go, sir."

They then turn around to see Scott green who entered the gym with them and captain black said to him of proud, "excellent scott and good luck on the mission on Thursday."

Scott: "thank you sir."

Captain black look back at flash and said, "oh I forgot to tell you, flash. I need the document about of missing vehicles on my desk tomorrow at 4:00 pm, sharp."

Flash: "I'm on it, sir."

[New chapter is out for this story]

raridash story vol. 2: shendu return Where stories live. Discover now