Octavia and upper crust hidden powers

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Upper crust and Octavia keep the woman,her child, and baby goat safe in the bedroom while paco and jade made a blockade at the front door in living room but they heard a noise from the living maybe it's the creature enter the living room but lucky they went inside the bedroom and locked it.

Jade: "sorry, no visitor."

The creature trying break in the bedroom.

Upper crust to begin speak Spanish at woman and say's , "ther otro toō obtener fuera."

Woman: "no."

Octavia: "just great we're trap by the monster."

Jackie jump over the window and landed perfect to encounter the monster with join el toro just bust through the door.

Jackie: "you do not to eat me. I'm not a goat."

They fight the creature inside the house and make a mess a bit then el chupacaba throw el toro at Jackie went through the wall to outside and pin on el toro with creature towards them outside but lucky they got up.

Upper crust: "hey freak! Over here."

The creature turn around to see Octavia and upper crust behind the broken wall.

Upper crust: "take this."

She use powerful sonic scream at the creature while el toro and Jackie move out of the way. And make the creature fall down on his back just cold out.

Jade: "whoa that's so cool."

Paco: "yeah."

El toro: "way to go senorita crust with powerful sonic scream."

Upper crust: "gracias el toro."

Octavia: "not bad my dear and now it's my turn."

It's almost sun rise so she running towards the creature with flame show up inside her hand the shape of a Phoenix.

Octavia: "Phoenix punch!"

She punch the creature in the face that flying upwards to the sky with the sun coming up just in time to destroy the monster into ashes.

Octavia: "yes, we defeat the monster."

Upper crust: "heck ya, we did."

They give high five each other for victory with the group towards them.

El toro: "thank you two for helping us to defeat the creature and save my people."

Upper crust: "you're welcome el toro."

El toro: "you two visit my hometown for five days vacation."

Both: "sure."

Jade: "good job to defeat the creature, lady Phoenix and black canary."

Upper crust: "black canary huh! I like it as my super hero name."

Octavia: "me too."

[Here's new chapter for this story and sorry i was busy to make chapters on my other stories but don't worry i will make another one for twidash chronicles adventure vol. 2 on September.]

raridash story vol. 2: shendu return Where stories live. Discover now