meet Jackson platti

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Jackie chan and flash sentry arrive at the airport at Langley falls in the afternoon and captain black told them there's old friend of his to pick them up. They exit the airport gate towards pick up section and spotted male CIA agent with brown slick hair while holding sign with Jackie chan and flash sentry on it.

Jackie: "it must be him."

He raised his hand up to get CIA agent attention and walked towards him.

CIA agent: "you must be Jackie Chan and flash sentry."

Flash: "yup."

CIA agent: "I'm jackson platii and now follow me please."

They followed jackson to his car at park section and get inside the car then Jackson started the engine to drove from airport at the road.

Jackson: "so captain black told me about like a dragon spirit inside crime lord and open door release the 1st demon with pan'ku box."

Jackie: "yeah, my uncle and tohru coming here tonight to banish the 1st demon."

Jackson: "that's good."

Flash: "we need to find 1st portal somewhere in this city."

Jackson: "let's go to the high school first."

Flash: "sure."

Meanwhile at other side of city there's valmont and the dark hand walking on the sidewalk to find demon location.

Valmont: "we need a break for searching 1st demon location."

He look at the mirror to see spirit of shendu inside of him to shock Ricky and whitey including everyone.

Shendu: "no breaks valmont, i need to release the 1st demon door for my sister somewhere in this city before Jackie chan and flash sentry find it first."

Pan'ku box begin to glow on ratso hand for 1 minute.

Ratso: "umm boss it's glowing."

Barry: "oh pretty."

ricky: "awesome."

Shendu: "we're getting close. Now go."

Ricky: "me and my homie join you guys."

Shendu: "of course child."

Whitey: "sweet."

They began continue walking on the sidewalk towards the first door location.

Steve: "so let pretend we never heard that."

Snot: "totally."

Barry: "yeah."

Toshi: "(Japanese) evil dragon spirit taking over the world you fools."

Steve: "you said it bud. Let go to pizza overlord."

[Here's new chapter for this story]

raridash story vol. 2: shendu return Where stories live. Discover now