old enemy return

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It's night time at san Francisco  in the street there's captain black and jackie chasing valmont just stole uncle book from the store. He pressed the button on his wrist collar to make a portal of canterlot high school front entrance.

Captain black: "He's going to canterlot high school."

He went through the portal with captain black and jackie chan Chase him through the portal too. Meanwhile at school front entrance with rainbow dash and spitfire on the stairs just hang out and eating together a bit before lunch is over.

Rainbow dash wearing blue shirt with rainbow lighting on it, long pants, and red shoes with rainbows on it.

then suddenly portal open up behind the statue.

Rainbow dash: "its must be Jackie and captain black come to visit us."

Spitfire: "yeah."

Valmont come out of the portal to surprise two students.

Both: "valmont!"

He turn right of the school toward the soccer field then captain black and Jackie chan enter the school still chasing valmont and join by rainbow dash and spitfire.

Rainbow dash: "what's going on guys."

Jackie chan: "valmont and the dark hand got the talismans."

Both: "what?"

Captain black: "and he stole the book from Jackie uncle inside the store."

spitfire "but why?"

Captain black: "I don't know."

They arrive at the soccer field but no sign of valmont.

Rainbow: "where did he go?"

Spitfire: "I don't know."

Jackie look up at the building to make his eyes went wide to see shadowkhans on the building so they look up at the building to see the shadowkhans too. Then shadowkhans jumped off the roof to the ground to surrounded the group.

Rainbow dash: "I don't understand, valmont can't summon the shadowkhans..but only shendu."

3 three shadowkhans move out to reveal valmont with glowing red eyes and familiar voice.

Shendu: "report of my demise have been greatly exaggerated, chan and dash."

Captain black: "whoa."

Rainbow dash: "shendu!"

Spitfire: "no way."

Shendu: "destroy them."

He back away a bit and disappeared. Shadowkhans coming towards jackie chan and the group.

rainbow: "bad day."

[Here's new chapter for this story]

raridash story vol. 2: shendu return Where stories live. Discover now