newborn projects disaster

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At third period in home economic class with flash sentry and several students excited for the weekend start.

Flash: "what are you doing this weekend Gilda."

Gilda: "going to jade palace train with po and the others."

Flash: "that's kinda cool."

Gilda: "what about you flash."

Flash: "spent a night with christy at her place."

Gilda with sly grin on her face and say's, "wow, you getting alone time with her."

Flash: "yeah."

He saw Christy talking with blueberry cake is few feet of him. While their teacher named mr. Frenette get up from his seat and said, "alright class," "I've got some exciting news for you."

Dumbbell stallion: "what kind of news mr. F."

Mr. Frenette: "I'm going to be giving you a special assignment for this weekend."

Earning several students nervous glance.

Christy: "what kind of assignment?"

Mr. Frenette: "you're all going to be parents!"

He excitedly announced, reaching behind the desk to reveal several baby dolls, each wrapped around in a  in a thick cozy blanket and cuddle in a tiny little cradle. Most of the class groan.

Mr. Frenette: "and the best part- I'm going to assign you into teams! Each team has to take care of their baby together and bring the resulting doll back on Tuesday. If the toy is not brought back in the same, healthy condition you see now, then you fail assignment."

Flash: "who's was idea for this."

Mr. Frenette: "captain Black of course."

A screen appeared inside the TV to reveal captain black with sly grin on his face.

Captain black: "that's right! You kids need take care of a baby as a parents like rainbow and rarity Dash's with their daughter." "Come on it's going to be fun as parents after all your junior agents."

Mr. Frenette: "each baby is programmed to reguire 'makesheft' eating, sleeping, and changing. Do these things right, and your baby will be happy. Failure to do these things though will make your baby cry; we can keep track of how much each baby cries using monitor there at section 13."

Captain black: "yup."

Mr. Frenette: "alright! As for the team we have..." "Lyra heartstring and bon bon."

Both: "alright."

He proceeded to go around the room, delivery the dolls to Rather teenagers and partner before he only had 3 baby left.

Captain black: "flash sentry and christy pavise."

Both of them become blushed on their cheeks to hear their names.

Gilda: "good luck dude."

Flash: "thanks."

He handed the baby to christy and look at her boyfriend with blushed on her cheek.

Captain black: "sunset shimmer and derpy hooves."

Sunset: "that's kinda cool to care a baby."

Derpy: "yeah, you said it sunny."

Mr. Frenette: "applejack and fluttershy."

Applejack stare at her girlfriend with blushed on their cheeks and they started dating after battle of the bands.

The school bell interrupted the thoughts in the room with a loud ring.

Mr. Frenette: "alright everyone, see you on Tuesday. Good luck!"

Captain black: "and the torment begins."

Captain black, mr. Frenette, and several agents begin with evil laughs inside the building.

Gilda: "(thought) I really hate him right now for ruining my weekend."

[Here's new chapter for this story is out.]

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