travel to el toro hometown

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Jackie Chan adventure universe 1 at 4:00 pm

Octavia melody and upper crust just arrived at mexico in the afternoon time toward pick up section with their small bags and to see el toro behind his parked van with jackie, jade, and paco inside.

El toro: "hola senioritas, welcome to mexico."

Upper crust: "thank you so much."

They get inside the van with the group while el toro start his van and drive off from the airport towards his hometown.

Upper crust: "what kind of trouble at your hometown in this universe, el toro?"

El toro: "legendary el chupacabra, it's attacking the goats and terrorizing my people."

Upper crust: "the legendary goat sucker it's real."

El toro: "si."

Upper crust: "whoa."

Paco: "yup."

They exit the city towards el toro hometown is 12 miles from them meanwhile back with spearhead playing with rainbow quartz while principal celestia and raven.

Spearhead cover his face with his front hooves and say's "where is the baby." And recover his face then say's, "there she is."

Rainbow quartz beginning to laugh to see that and make principal celestia and raven goes d'awww reaction to see that then they heard a knock on the door.

Principal celestia: "come in."

The door open reveal by rainbow and rarity Dash's to get their daughter for lunch.

Rainbow: "hey principal celestia, we here to pick up rainbow quartz for lunch."

Principal celestia: "of course."

Both of them are shocked to see Royal guard next to their daughter.

spearhead: "how it's going."

Principal celestia: "and she got magic too."

Rarity: "really that's wonderful she become like her mothers."

Rainbow: "that's my little girl."

She grab her daughter from the blanket and put her arms gently. Rainbow quartz open a portal for spearhead with her magic.

Spearhead: "bye guys."

Principal celestia: "bye."

Raven: "see ya later."

Rarity: "thank you for playing my daughter darling."

Rainbow: "yeah."

Spearhead jump through the portal to princess celestia front door and the portal is closed. Rainbow smells something inside her diaper.

Rainbow: "like someone need a diaper change."

Rarity: "I'll change her diaper at girls restroom before going to the cafeteria with our friends."

She grab diaper and baby wipes from the bag and exit the principal celestia office toward the girls restroom to change rainbow quartz diaper first before going to the cafeteria.

[Here's new chapter for this story]

raridash story vol. 2: shendu return Where stories live. Discover now