No more

43 1 0

"Stand still when I talk to you!"

Back hand stroke impacts on face.

"You call this slop food?"

Fist impacts upon midrift,

Ripping wind from within.

Gasps for air, whilst tears mingles with blood.

"Answer me bitch, when I ask a question!"

Between sobs a strangled answer issues.

"This shit ain't fit for swine!"

A plate impacts upon her head, cutting,

Trickling food onto the floor, covering the blood.

"You are useless!"

A swift kick to the side drops her to the floor.

"When I get back, this place better be clean!"

A mewl escapes her lips.

"I expect a proper meal as well!"

Once more he kisses her with a palm.

Spinning she hits the wall,

Lies there in a heep, watching from covered eyes.

He summons his dog, who eagerly runs,

At his side the dog dances excitedly.

Smiles and pats of love are bestowed,

Before they leave.

After awhile the bundle rises,

Begins the chore of cleaning.

In the kitchen she slaves anew,

Prepareing a feast for a beast.

Slowly she climbs the stairs,

To clean herself and make repairs.

Swollen eye, she sees herself,

Her beauty once, no more seen.

Applies her make ever thicker.

Hide herself once more,

Inside she dies a little more.

Downstairs she hurries, when she hears her master,

Awaits his return, obedient.

Seated he eats his meal,

Shoves it aside, his anger grows.

"This is worse than before!"

Rising from his seat,

He sees not the gleam,

The light reflected off the knife.

Before he turns around, she plunges!

Striking repeatedly upon his back.

How easily the strokes do come,

Sliding smoothly into his cowardly back.

He staggers, stumbling falling around,

His blood spraying in spurts,

Coating everywhere, where once her blood did.

"No more!"

She screams repeatedly,

Plunging still into the now dead sack of meat.

Tired she relents and sags upon the floor.

Crying softly, for the first time of own volition,

She lets the years of abuse flow out.

Just a while longer...

Before she phones the cops.

"No more."

She whispers once more.

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