Illusion of governance

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I grow weary of chasing my tail,

Like a dog without a brain.

Round and round on the broken merry go round,

Of corrupt, blind, stupid society,

Twirl and twirl with no hope of getting off,

Until we tire and expire.

Democracy is just another form of slavery,

Created to appease the masses,

To make us believe we have a say,

When in reality, all we do is willingly give our lives away.

When we were ruled by despots,

We could blame them and their cronies. we can only blame ourselves! 

Like the rising and setting of the sun,

We rise, slave and go sleep,

To feed a monster that devours our dreams,

Gives us shadows of satisfaction. 

Reality easily broadcast, made for us to believe,

Keep us locked in a perpetual cycle,

Like a tumble dryer to leech us dry.

Education is nothing more than brainwashing, 

On a scale so grand, that few know the truth.

Those that awake from the imposed dream,

The dream that is unachievable, 

Are cast out, called pariahs, banished to the sides.

The system works because of the lies,

Propaganda created to perpetuate the fallacy of freedom.

We are not free, we are enslaved, 

Blinded by the farmer, who's wife,

Cut off our freedom with a carving knife,

As we blindly run about,

Not seeing the danger we are in.

Slaves to the system,

Perpetually in motion,

Never standing still,

Kept busy so we never see the truth.

Our children offered up like us,

To be caged in freedom,

To the ever devouring Beast of democracy.

We do not really have a say,

All forms of governance are an illusion.

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