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Full moon climbing the sky,

Following my achingly sore feet,

Onwards forever onwards,

Searching for what is hidden.

Pines jutting upwards,

Arms heaven sent,

Sending up their silent prayers,

So much easier, than it is for me.

Sparrow swiftly swoops,

Pecks up its daily food,

All around  nature feeds,

On the bounty of creation.

Setting sun, reddens sky,

Darkens the path I do follow,

Covering my eyes in blackness,

Hiding even more from me.

Stumble slowly forward,

Arms in front, feeling frantically,

Scratches tear and rend,

Why do I go on?

Peeking from darkened clouds,

The light illuminates a path,

Into a clearing of this wood,

A beauteous,  wonderous spectackle.

An old man awaits my approach,

Illumed in a single ray of light,

To him I approach reverently, 

For my answers he does keep.

In answer to my question,

He sadly answers quietly, 

That I have known the answer,

All along it had been faith.

Incredulously I stare mouth agape,

All these years of searching,

Just to be told faith,

Anger seeps upwards.

Smiling at me, patience unbounded,

He queries me a simple thing,

A baby bird alone in a nest,

what keeps it there, till the mother returns?

Ashamed I have but one requital,

An obvious rebuttal to give,


A simple word, yet powerful.

A second question he does pose, 

Eager it seems to humiliate, 

What brought you here on your quest,

For an answer you longingly crave?

Again I have an answer for him,

I feel my cheeks burning,

I drop my head and mumble,


He raises my chin,

Looks me in the eyes,

In us all it is boundless,

Yet all it takes is a speck.

All he asks of any of us,

Is in him,

Around us he has given us proofs,

In his book the answers.

What more can you want?

What more do you need?

Humbled, tears streaking my cheeks,

I return home with my faith.

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