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Exhilarating speed,

Is what I always need!

To feel the raw power,

As other people glower.

To weave between the traffic,

Has never felt more terrific. 

Between my legs unbridled, 

Maniac I am labelled! 

Turn the trottle more and more,

To go faster than before.

Two hundred and still it climbs,

To get me there betimes!

My senses have become whet,

I see everything and yet...

In the back a nagging doubt,

That with Death I do flout.

Smile the reapers smile,

I devour another mile.

Velocious velocity propels,

Somewhere  a sound knells.

Past lumbering behoumoths, 

Onward roar to many zeniths!

Touch the brakes gently,

Cars do not indicate a plenty.

Look at driver make a gesture,

My biggest mistake for sure.

Look ahead, eyes bulging, 

I never saw my demise coming.

Impact, crumbling, parts flying,

In the air I fly, voice crying.

Faster than my steed,

Life flashes by indeed.

I do not feel an impact,

That is a scary fact.

As fast as I did ride,

As breakneck I died...

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