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Cruelty spewed forth from malicious tongues,

Spreading fire like fiery dragons.

Raging unabated upon fields of hope,

Ravaging,  destroying all verdant growth.

Happiness bought of others pain,

To make twisted insecure hearts heal,

Is in its self a fabrication.

A lie upon a lie of a house  of cards,

Brought down by the merest breath of truth.

What hours of construction wasted,

Better spent in research of kindness,

Of understanding, loving ones fellows.

Reap reality rewards of building friendships,

With sincerity not of mocking retribution,

To impress upon minds your superiority,

Though inside your insecurity festers,

At your own blatent inferiority!

To expand and grow,

Embrace like nature, its strengths and weaknesses.

Come to terms with inner feelings,

By bonding, rather than destroying,

Of nurturing and returning,

In a symbiosis of giving to recieve.

Once broken a stone can never become a rock again,

No matter how much glue you use...

It remains a patchwork of stones.

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