Ocean embrace

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Rolling waves tumble upon the shore,
Sending salt laden spray airborne.
Walk slowly upon the sand,
Trudging to no demand.
Quietly hear the breaking waves,
Spreading water into tiny enclaves.
Rushing in, then receding,
Peaceful, serene...satisfying.
Watch as water wets feet,
Feel the chill as they meet,
Sending joyful messages upward,
As I stride slowly forward.
Meet each crashing wave,
That within my mind I save...
Enjoying suns sparckle upon surface,
Refected back in beauteous earnest.
A pleasure upon the eyes,
As each wave slowly crashes and dies.
Deeper into waters embrace,
Feel upon flesh its silken lace,
Till head immersed does see its hidden magnificence,
Sensory overload of utter grandiloquence,
That leaves breath taken away,
And wishes...forever here to stay.
Colours, shapes, teeming en masse,
Via for attention that none can surpass.
Momentary glorious sight,
Fills one with a will to fight,
To keep alive this vast organism,
That inspires one to nihilism.
To stay here forever...a true dream,
Attainable, yet not it does seem.

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