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Safe, secure in mothers womb,

No fear yet of our eventual tomb.

Three quarters of a year,

Not experiencing any fear.

All to soon, completely formed,

Mother's hopes we are not deformed.

No pain we feel as through the gate,

We are pushed out into worldly fate.

First breath, a scream and wail,

Escapes our breast without fail.

Truth be told, our innocence dies,

As our body enters this world of lies.

No more protected is our feeling,

Now we lay in mothers arms of comforting.

Bond forever formed with first protector,

In first minutes of life timed sector.

After these moments of loves bonding,

Our time from then on we are defending.

Embattled in a struggle against time,

Forgetting death is most sublime.

In our first moments, he wrapped his hand,

On our hearts, to take at a moments demand.

Yet it is all worthwhile,

Though we only stay for a short while.

Our parents love given freely,

Is the most priceless gift surely?

To have been born, to love and live,

Is the most precious gift to give.

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