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The phenomenon called WOMAN.

How best to sum them up?

Some might say no man could,

But I will dare to try.

Foolish...I might be, but...

Mothers...nuturing and caring,

Sacrificing THEIR time for others.

Life...nourishing, child bearing,

even through the PAIN, time and again.

Companion...loving unconditionally.

Friend...always there and caring.

NEVER unwilling to take on burdens, 

A shoulder to cry on, compassion given freely.

Always encouraging,  though we do not believe. 

They should never be FORGOTTEN.

Under appreciated, abused, beaten...

Downtrodden,  enslaved, belittled...

The list could carry on and on,


They still carry on, they still love.

...and all they ask for is...love and equality.

In reality...they deserve more...so much more.

They are a phenomenon unequalled!

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