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Clouds pour forth their tears, upon a tin roof,
A resounding cacophony of discord shatters silence.
Once more, Angels up above are crying,
Shedding tears, emotions distraught from caring?
What would I do if I could cry no more,
My tears spent, dried up, forever gone?
What would I become?
How would I cope?
Forsaken by Guardian Angels, forgotten...
Remembered only by persecutors,
Whose jealousy guides their whetted tongues,
Inflicting cuts so savage upon a fragile flower,
Only now, slowly blooming, finding its way.
Hardened thorns not yet formed,
To protect from malicious mouths scorn.
No comfort given from paternal parent,
Whose blind eyes observe not,
Nor deaf ears adhere to softly shouted pleas.
Where are the arms to hold us close,
The lips to soothe the scowling demons
And kiss with loving lips upon our souls?
If I could cry no more,
Lost would I be, for no comfort would I find,
In this world where no one sees the lies,
Hidden behind cold, deceitful smiles.
Where tears are shed to gain, not for pain,
Another perversion of the truth.
Escape through means not approved,
Scorned upon by those who deem to hurt,
Misunderstood because we do not conform.
If I could not cry no more,
My tears spent, dried up, forever gone,
I would live no longer...anymore,
Nor the girl, a fragile flower they despoil.

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