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On a hill, atop a rock, I sit.

What I view before me inspires,

The sheer glory, majesty and beauty,

Of mother nature in all her blossoming splendour.

Rays grace the earthly canvas,

Darkness is playfully chased across its tableau.

Life stirs, spreads and sings in contentment.

The awe does overwhelm my meager senses.

Serenely I sit, drinking deeply of what I survey.

Even in shadows, hidden from mortal eyes,

Life does spew forth from the ground.

Continuous as the time that passes,

Nature, nurtures all in her domain.

Trees stretching, reaching for the sky,

Spread their eager arms forth,

Covering those below in a verdant canopy.

Flowers abound and sit upon her like a crown.

In between the standing growths,

Animals frolic and feast upon her plentiful bounty.

The scene captured upon my retina,

Imprinted deep within my very being,

Has never before known such perfection.

...yet behind me, I dare not look,

For it shall dispoil my vision of grandeur,

I need but turn around...

I know what is there, it is my home.

A place of fabricated, beauteous facades,

A lifeless place, teaming with living beings,

Who have erred away from connectedness,

To rather embrace a world filled with greed.

Here is where rot, pollution and destruction play,

To a cacophony of organized chaos.

Here and there is a garden, a mockery of perfection,

As perceived through eyes askew to perception.

Toxic fumes belch forth, in vast quantities,

Suffocating and blurring the sky,

Slowly it creeps outwards,choking all.

Black snakes criss cross everywhere,

Taking, speeding toxins skywards bound.

Rivers choked upon debris, cast aside wantonly,

Sludges it's way ever downwards to the sea.

My tears flow forth like a deluge from the heavens,

Yet it falls upon a barren dry wasteland,

Drunk up, with no nourishment for the land.

Slowly like an old dinosaur, I rise,

My heart ripped and wrenched through my throat.

How do I save the beauty,

I have turned my back on?

I have a deep rooted fear,

That should I look back,

That all I saw before,

Is gone and is now covered,

Covered by societies structures of beauty.

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