Misuse of traditional beliefs

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Bones cast upon the floor,

Sangoma reads the portents,

Inwardly smiling for charging more.


Young man sits, apprehensive, 

Silently praying to the ancestors,

All quite and submissive.


Grumbling, moaning theatrics to impress,

The traditional healer's show works,

A cure he gives for the others distress.


He impresses the need to take,

A young child in copulation,

His subject none the wiser, he is fake.


The evil of the mans words,

Escapes the youths naive conscience,

His fate is now written on the cards.


The ghastly deed commited in faith,

Passes the virus to an innocent,

In his foolishness, he does bathe.


Thinking himself now cured,

He returns to his wanton ways,

His and others deaths, he has secured.


Because of greedy lies,

Cast by a greedy charlatan, 

A child shall suffer till it dies.


Hiv/Aids has no cure,

Yet gullible youth are easily fooled,

By lies sold for truth, that is for sure.


Education should become paramount,

To prevent igornoramus beliefs,

So that they know what to discount.


(Based on actual traditional beliefs.)

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