Snakes tongue

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Hard to believe a mouth so sweet,

Could hold a tongue so forked,

Dripping venom misconceived as honey.

Little difference between words of hate or love,

Uttered past the gates of stomatitis,

Only its usage for vile, sardonic, sarcastic abuse.

Flickering out, spreading impertinence,

With clockwork precision impudence,

Utilized to demean and crush morale.

Sour taste of tortured recipients,

Feeds your sadistic need to belittle,

To feel superior, when in reality you are mediocre!

Veiled hints with trained precision,

Licked upon ears of those subdued,

Cowed into believing fictitious truth.

Darting out, at every chance, willingly bidden,

To the point of being rapacious,

Magnanimous in its destructive voracity.

Your hunger for pain, has whetted your appetite,

Consequences have been discarded,

Your tongue deceives you even now.

Repeated manipulation of your snakes tongue,

Destroys interactions and your credibility,

Till eventually, alone you hear yourself.

Alone to ramble to yourself,

Insult your own lowliness now,

Let its venom poison your ears and mind!

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