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Words with power,

Words to live by.

But what do you do, when only you, live by these words?

You accept all religions,

You accept everyone is equal,

You tolerate what others believe,

You believe in and uphold what society expects, wants.

Yet what do you do when no one else does?

How can we defend our freedoms,

When we let them pervert them,

When we do not stand up for them?

We all deserve to marry the partner of our choice.

Qualify for a job not based on gender or colour.

To be protected by the law and not oppressed. 

To worship as we choose.

To be free from government censure.

To have our freedom of expression.

But the question is, how do we defend it,

When not everyone believes or adheres to these rights?

The price paid by those who have struggled for these rights,

Should be honoured by those who now enjoy it.

For all to soon...those rights might be gone.

Then what?

Look at Islamic State...need I say more?

How easily the few rule the many,

And take away what we hold dear.

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