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"What do you mean no?" Jahseh chuckled as I stood in the doorway of my house.

"My mom isn't home so you can't come in, I didn't ask to have company and I kind of just wanna take a nap," I explained.

"Okay, well I'll come back tomorrow. That okay?" He asked.

"I guess it can be," I shrugged.

"I'll bring you some snacks so send me a list," he said as he slowly walked away.

"Okay," I chuckled and watched him walk away. Once he was inside of his car I closed my front door and locked it.

I went upstairs to my bedroom and stripped myself of my clothes. I changed into some biker shorts and a big tshirt before laying in my bed to take a nap.

"You're worthless and stupid, just like your mother!" Robert yelled at me as he grabbed a fist full of my hair, shoving me into his bedroom.

"I'm sorry it was an accident," my eyes burned with tears as I looked down at the carpet. Bubble gum pink nail polish painting it harshly. "It fell and broke open."

"You're a whore! Why were you painting your nails anyways!" He yelled once more, locking the door behind him.

"My mom said I could," I cried. "I want my mom mommy."

"Yeah well she can't help you," he spat. He shoved my on my bed and started to roughly pull my clothes off my small body.

Once I was naked in front of him he pulled himself out of his jeans, climbing over me.

"What are you doing?" I cried. "You're not supposed to touch my spots. Stop it."

"The more you fight the worse it'll be," he smirked as he Forces himself into my hole, making me scream out in pain.

"Please stop it hurts," I begged. "I'm so sorry."

I felt a hard slap meet with my face making me close my mouth.

It felt like hours had passed when he finally got off of me. He threw my underwear at my face, "clean yourself up and go back to your room. You're such a whore."

"Please no, stop it no please," I jumped awake feeling my lungs close up.

As I fought to catch my breath I remembered my dream. I bit my lip as tears invaded my eyes. "I can't do this."

I repeated it to myself over and over again as my body started to shake. "I can't do this anymore."

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