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" I don't know I just kind of feel like, you know, no one understands me.." my eyes watered as I talked to Dani about what happened. This boy I was dating, he broke my heart. After telling me all these plans he had for our future. After telling me he loved me... after everything.

"Honestly just forget him he did not deserve you," she told me as she handed me a few tissues and rubbed my back. "He wasn't that cute anyways, honestly you could do better. You deserve better."

"But.. I really liked him, he was special." I sighed. "Then he found out what I have been through and where I was a couple of months ago and he was like 'you're crazy gotta blast.' Like its not fair," I whined pushing my curls out of my face.

"I know, and one day the right guy will come. TA guy who actually acts and proves what he says. A guy who actually loves you for you, flaws and issues and all. You're beautiful and you have a beautiful heart. The right guy will come. For both of us.... Michael didn't treat you right he did not deserve you. He belongs to the streets." She explained.

"Yeah but the thing is... I don't know actually..." I sighed. I stood from the bed, "I should go we have school in the morning and its already going on 11:30." I explained.

"Okay, text me when you're home." She hugged me and then I left.

15 minutes later....

I walked upstairs to my bedroom and sighed as I closed the door and sat on my bed. I fixed my bed up and changed into something more comfortable, finally laying down.

The next morning at school...

I walked through the hallway and to my locker. I unlocked it and grabbed my binder for Biology. I put my backpack in the locker and then closed it. I adjusted my black tube top and stuffed my phone into my white addidas swear pants, making sure not to forget it.

"Hey, what are you doing after school?" Dani walked up to me with her Biology binder also in hand.

"Nothing, probably going to watch Kissing Booth 2 before someone ruins it for me." I shrugged and chuckled, "Why?"

"Are you down to go with me to the fair?" she asked me as she stuffed her hands into her matching sweat pants. We matched tonight, our usual.

"Yeah, why not." I shrugged as we started walking to the cafeteria.

"Oh my god, did you hear that X and got a teacher fired?" She asked me as she pulled her phone out, going on instagram.

"No, what happened?" I asked. X is the 'bad boy' at our school. He is always fighting someone. Played about every sport. And every girl that I know, wants him. Except for me, I don't go for boys. I mean I like them, just have a hard time around them a lot of times which is why its so hard for me to date. I have what you would call: severe anxiety. Tough situation.

Not me updating my books when I have two weeks to turn in all my missing assignments which is literally everything....

"He slept with Mrs. Everwest and leaked a tape on his only fans which somehow the principal found.." She laughed, "imagine."

"Thats embarrassing I feel bad for that teacher," I sighed and shook my head. "Wait why did the principal have his onlyfans, and why would he make an only- never mind." I just shook my head. As much stuff as X does, I am not surprised he has an onlyfans.

"Yeah, well shit happens," she shrugged just as we started to walk past X and his friends. I hung my head low and avoiding eye contact, his girlfriend, Geneva, is a fucking pyscho. If you even look in his direction she is ready to whoop your ass.

And all I know is she is one crazy female if she thinks she is going to put her hands on me. I have too many cousins for her to try and play that game with me, but thats a conversation she is not ready for. Plus, I am not here to fight, I am just trying to graduate and get out of this hell hole. I hate it here.

"Bitch are we gonna have a problem?" Geneva yelled. I looked around me to see who she was talking to. "Im talking to you bitch, I know you just looked at my man."

"I didn't look at him, I was looking at the floor." I sighed. I played the hair tie on my wrist. I really do not have the energy for this today, It's not even nine o clock yet and she is already on whoop ass mode. What?

"So you're going to lie to me?" She started walking towards me.

I pulled my hair tie off my wrist and put my hair in a bun. "No one is lying and I dont see what you think your doing here, no one is scared of you. I know you two date I'm not even going to say anything to him," I rolled my eyes. Please just leave me alone. I don't have energy today.

"So you think your so smart, go ask for his number I bet he wont give it to you." She crossed her arms. I see what she is trying to do here, but I am like 100% sure that X would give any female his number.

"What?" I question. There is no reason for us to even be conversating right now.

"Come on lets just go," Dani grabbed my arm. "She isn't interested in him. Me and her are together, she's gay."

"Oh," Geneva looked stuck.

"Aye, you could still have my number," X called out to me.

I didn't even reply I just grabbed Dani's hand and walked away, "Thanks for that." I sighed as we hurried away.

"I can't stand that bitch." She rolled her eyes as we made our way to Biology.

"Yeah, me either."

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