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When I knocked on the door, Talyeh's mom answered it. She gave me a look, "how can I help you?"

"Is Talyeh home?" I asked, hoping I could speak with her.

"She's taking a nap, she started her new medicine today and it made her sleepy."

"Medicine for what?" I asked.

"She can tell you when she wants to," her mom stated. "So I heard that voicemail you sent to her."

"Yeah, I came to apologize. I didn't mean any of it and I messed up," I explained.

"You guys are having a baby, don't you think it's times to move past the drama and childish behavior?" She asked me.

I nodded my head and frowned.

She sighed, "go ahead and see if she wants to talk. She's in her room."

I smiled and walked inside. I went straight upstairs into Talyeh's room. She was laid on her bed asleep in her full outfit. She still had on her shoes and everything.

I walked over to her and took off her shoes, making sure not to wake her. I took off her sweater and jeans and put the cover over her.

I guess I'll just wait here until she wakes up.

Talyeh's house

I looked up and she was stretching her arms and legs out while yawning, when she turned around and saw me she rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"I needed to talk to you," I explained. "I need to apologize."

She just looked at me so kept on talking.

"I apologize for being immature about this whole fight. I shouldn't have let it go this far. It should have never gotten this far. I don't want us to break up I really do want to be with you. So I think we need to work on communication. We have a baby coming and I would like to welcome it into a loving family, not a toxic one." I apologized. "Please give me another chance."

She looked at me for a minute before nodding her head, "I think we should try again. But I need a little time first."

"Okay," I sighed. "Take all the time you need."

She nodded her head and looked away from me awkwardly. I kind of felt like she didn't really want to talk to me. And I can't say I blame her.

"So how did the doctors appointment go?" I asked.

"It was good, I got to see the baby, it's so tiny," she smiled. "And I was talking to my doctor about my problem with eating and she prescribed me some medicine that's supposed to give me a bigger appetite. I took them and so far I'm really hungry right now."

"That's good I'm glad to hear that," I smiled.

She nodded her head and I frowned. Things didn't used to be this way. Things used to be easy and simple. We could talk all day and not get bored. Now it just seems like there's nothing to talk about.

"You should go," she told me.

"Right now?" I asked.

"Yeah, I know I said we could try again but I really don't know so, just give me some space. I'll call you when I schedule our next doctors appointment," she told me.

"Wait so are we done done?" I asked.

"We were done done when you broke up with me," she explained. "I didn't understand why you did it at first but I understand now. I was being selfish like I don't have a whole baby inside of me. Well now I can't be selfish and I have to think about this baby inside of me."

"I didn't mean anything I said, Mama. I was just saying shit," I explained.

"Well the shit you said really hurt my feelings," she admitted. "And I'm not mad anymore honestly it's fine. We just have to focus on the baby."

"We can focus on us and the baby," I pointed out.

"I'm sure we could, but not right now. I need some time," she told me. "I care about you and of course I want to be with you, but just give me some time."

"Okay," I nodded my head.

We said our goodbyes and I was on my way.

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