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"No I want this over here," I pointed to the accent wall, showing Jahseh and Stokeley where I wanted the crib to be placed.

"I don't see why we even need one of these in here if the baby finna sleep in the room with us." Jahseh stated.

"No she's not," I said. "Well maybe for the beginning but I want her to sleep in her own room eventually."

"Whatever." Jahseh shrugged and began to slide the crib over to the wall.

"So have you guys choose a baby name yet?" Stokeley asked.

"Mmmm I have ideas but she don't like any of them," jahseh explained.

"He wants to name Porcha." I stated. "I'm not naming my daughter porcha."

"Our daughter."

"We're still not naming her that."

"What about Treu or Zanova or Essence?" Jahseh suggested. "I like shit like that, it's different."

(Y'all vote.)

"Ouuu I like those. It's just picking one that's the problem."

"I want to get a sign with her name like in cursive. With pink LEDS. And hang it above her crib." Jahseh explained.

"That would be real cute." I agreed.

"We still don't know the gender of Dani's baby," Stokeley chimed in.


"She wants to do a gender reveal. Only Cleo knows." He explained.

"I'm so excited for her, this is gonna be so good for her," I explained. "Our babies are gonna grow up together and be best friends just like me and her."

Stokeley laughed at my statement.

"I can't wait to find out the gender of her baby I think I'm more excited than she is," I admitted.

"I think it's gonna be a boy." Jahseh added on

"Yeah me too," Stokeley agreed.

"It's gonna be a girl, bitch we twinin." I stated.

"Stay the fuck off TikTok." Jahseh rolled his eyes at me.

"I don't have to, fuck you you're just mad. AHHH HAHHH."


"What's that supposed to do? Scare me. Shiver me Timbers." I faked like I was scared, causing Stokeley to laugh.

I felt my daughter moving around, causing my back to start hurting since she was sitting on my spine today.

"You okay?" Jahseh asked me, seeing the facial expression I made.

"Yeah, she's just moving a lot." I explained, leaning against the wall. "I'll be back I need to sit down my back hurts."

I waddled out of the nursery and headed down the hallway, slowly making my way down stairs just in time to find Dani walking through my front door.

"Girl I need to talk to you," she said urgently, "like NOW!"

"Damn what happened?" I asked as we walked over to the sectional couch and seated ourselves.

"Marco called me, going in." She stated before taking a hair tie off of her wrist and putting her hair into a bun.

"What do you mean?"

"He started telling me how he wants me back he wants us to move into a place together and he wants to take care of me. Then he starts talking about naming our son after him and he wants him to live with him full time and yadda yadda."

"Wait what."

"Exactly. I told him like I can negotiate naming him after him if it's a boy and he's going to be an active parent. But living with him full time is pushing it. I don't mind letting him visit and take the baby for weekends or whatever but no, never full time." She ranted.

"And the only reason he's saying he wants full custody is because I declined his offer of marriage. He offered to marry me. I don't want to be offered marriage. I want to Marry someone who wants to marry me. And I'm nowhere near ready to marry anyone." She continued.

"So what are you gonna do? Do you think he'll actually try to get full custody?" I asked.

"I'm going to talk to Cleo about it but there's no way he'll win full custody. He doesn't have a steady job, income or house to live in," she explained.

"Damn... im sorry you have to go through this girl. But at least you have stokes by your side."

"I know, and he's great but I don't want to bring him into my bullshit life," she sighed. "He doesn't deserve it."

"Girl by all means bring him in. He wants you, real fuckin bad," I laughed.

"I want him but it just feels rushed doesn't it?" She asked me.

"I don't know does it?" I shrugged.

She looked at m and made a face.

"What?" I laughed.

"Be for real."

"I think if he makes you happy then you should date him," I explained.

She nodded her head in agreement.

"So does he.... Make you happy?"

She looked away from me as of thinking about her answer, then shortly after she looked back up at me, "yeah. He does."

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