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"Why would you sit here and tell my mom?" Jahseh asked.

"Because I needed to say it whether it was your mom or not," I admitted. "You really hurt me jahseh."

"I know."

"You know?" I asked. "What does that mean?"

"I think we just need some time Talyeh, I'm stressed out and you're probably stressed out too and it's not good for us or the baby."

"No shit," I scoffed. "I'm carrying your baby the least you could do is not stress me out."

"I know," he groaned. "I'm thinking.. I've been thinking. I think we just need to spend some time together and put the bullshit aside. You're right I disrespected you and your mom and I apologize. I will apologize to her too. But for real we have a baby coming in less than four months we should probably grow up."

"Yeah we should," I agreed. "I actually made a decision... about me working."

"Well what did you decide?" He asked.

"I want to stay home with the baby," I explained. "But... I also like having my own money.."

"Bae I'll give you money , shit my money is your money. I'll get you a card to my account do what you need and want with it."

"Thank you for that, but I won't be staying home forever, just until the baby is in school. I just don't want to leave the baby with just anyone. Even family because family can hurt babies too."

"I agree with you, but we can leave her with my mom right?" He asked. "Like to go on dates?"

"Not until she's older... I also want to breastfeed. But I still need to finish doing my research and stuff so I'll let you know what I decide."

"Okay... well not to be rude but.. do I get to decide anything?"

"Yeah you do, but not that. It's my body," I stated.

"Yeah of course," he sighed. "Come here."

I stood from the table and waddled over to where he was sitting.

"Damn she's getting big," he exclaimed when he saw my stomach.

"Are you calling me fat?" I scoffed. "Because I have an entire water bag, baby , and placenta inside of me right now don't play with me."

"No, I'm not!" He laughed. "You look good baby I would eat you right now if my mom wasn't home."

"So what if she's home you can still eat me," I whispered in his ear after sitting on his lap.

"Girl.." he groaned. "Alright let's go."

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the kitchen. I smirked as I waddled behind him excitedly....

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