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I wanted to do something nice for Talyeh after school today. Maybe I could take her to the movies or to a arcade or something.

She just needs to get out of the house more. She's always going home and just staying home. She's going to be home enough after the baby is born she should get out now.

"What are your plans after school?" I asked her as I watched her chew on her celery stick.

"I have work," she said.

"When did you start working?" I asked. I was surprised. She never told me anything about a job.

"I had my interview last week and today's my first day, I have to start buying stuff for the baby," she explained.

"You're barely about to be two months pregnant, what is there to buy?" I asked.

"I can start getting stuff I know I'll need like body wash and diapers and wipes. You know the basics," she explained. "I just don't want to be buying everything last minute and the baby not having what he or she needs."

"I told you I would get a job though," I pointed out.

She made a face and looked away.


"You said that but it's been a month since we found out I'm pregnant and you haven't even tried to look for a job," she stated.

"I'm not just not going to take care of my baby I can get a job." I stated.

"Then get a job," she smacked her lips.

"What's the attitude for?" I asked.

"You're making me mad. You can't be upset about me getting a job when you haven't even looked for a job. Someone's gotta take care of this baby and I'm going to do it even if I have to do it without you."

"Who said I wasn't going to take care of my baby?" I asked.

"No one did but when are you going to find a job? Before the baby is born or after?" She stood up from the table and walked away.

I can't believe she's really mad because I haven't found a job. The job I have now is perfectly fine.

It may not be legal but it's paying the bills and I'm never hurting for money.

I just have to show her that my way is okay too and she'll know.

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