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Y'all don't start hoe shaming my characters😂

Y'all don't start hoe shaming my characters😂

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"Wait I need to get some water," I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cold water bottle from the fridge.

I turned around and bumped straight into ski, "sorry sis." He chuckled and moved back.

He looked at me like he wanted to ask me something but was hesitant.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you think you can put in a good word for me, with Dani," he shrugged.

"You know she's pregnant and just got out of a relationship right?"

"I know but her past is none of my business," he shrugged.

"What about the baby?"

"Isn't that for me and her to figure out?" He asked.

I sighed, "yeah, I'll tell her but no promises I don't know where her head is at right now."

"Okay, just let me know.." he smiled. "How are you feeling though. I know jahseh got a big ass head so that baby must be tearing up your insides."

I laughed, "oh god I hope this baby's head isn't big cause I just cannot."

"Oh it's gonna be big," he joked. "But let me know if there's anything I can do help you."

I smiled after thanking him. Jahseh needs more friends like this because ski is so sweet his like a big teddy bear.

"Are y'all ready?" Jahseh walked into the kitchen, "Jayden is hungry he's getting mad."

"That little boy is something else," ski laughed.

"What did he do?" I asked.

"He came down here while you were sleep and gave me a good talking to," jahseh laughed.

"Oh my god," I laughed. "He means well I'm his only- nevermind."

"What?" Jahseh askef.

"I was gonna say in his only sister but I forgot my dad is a whore."

"Why do you keep calling dad a whore?" Jayden asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Because that's how I feel about it," I stated.

"Well then you're a whore too," he told me.

"How am I whore?" I smacked my lips.

"You're too young to be pregnant," he told me.

"That makes me stupid, not a whore," I pointed out.

"How about we stop saying whore all together," jahseh stated.

"How about you shut up," Jayden told him. "This is between me and my sister."

"Don't talk to him like that," I told Jayden.

"I want to go home," he told me.

"Then call dad to come get you," I shrugged. "I'm not apologizing for feeling how I feel. Dad cheated on mom and took you when he left but had he reached out to me or tried to call or see me? No! He didn't reach out until mom kicked ne out then he wanted to try and be here. He didn't talk to me for almost four months."

"But why do you have to hold a grudge!" He yelled at me.

"Well I guess the same reason you hold a grudge against mom." I rolled my eyes.

"She didn't even try to make things work with dad," he yelled at me.

"First off stop fucking yelling at me," I yelled back. "And you weren't there when he left. He slapped the dog shit out of mom right in front of me and didn't give two fucks."

His whole face changed, "h-he hit mom?"

"Yeah... so before you go getting mad her.. she did try. He cheated he hit her he yelled at her and then left," I explained. "I'm not hungry I'm going to my room. Tell him to call his dad he needs to go." I told jahseh before walking out of the kitchen.

I walked into the hallway and Dani was walking towards me, "when are we leaving?" She asked.

"I don't know but I'm not going," I mumbled as I kept walking past her. Going up the stairs.

"What happened?" She asked me.

I didn't answer I just kept walking.  I can't deal with this right now.

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