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{this book is ending soon baes 💗}
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{this book is ending soon baes 💗}Vote 💜

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💜 T A L Y E H G A L V E Z 💜

"I don't understand why she won't eat!" I groaned in defeat. For hours I've been trying to get Brianna to latch onto my boob so I could breast feed her and she just won't.

And on top of that, I don't think my milk is coming in right.

My boobs hurt so badly. They feel like shards of glass are shooting out and not milk.

I felt my eyes tear up as my frustration increased.

"Just give her some formula," jahseh sighed.

"I said I want to breast feed, why can't you support that?" I sighed.

"Because my baby is starving because you're not producing any milk," he smacked his lips.

I couldn't believe he said that to me. I was doing everything I could, I was trying my hardest to do this for her. It's not my fault.

My body is betraying me. At the worst time possible.

My phone started ringing, knocking me out of my thought. I grabbed it from beside me and answered it, seeing that Caitlin was calling me.


"Hey how are you doing today?" Caitlin asked.

She'd been calling me everyday for the last three days since she was here meeting Brianna. It was good to have someone to talk to.

She's actually a really great person and I wish I would have just given her a chance in the beginning.

"I'm okay," my voice cracked since I was already on the verge of tears.

"Why are you crying?" She asked.

The last thing I wanted was to get judge. I'm trying to figure this mom thing out by myself and I don't want anyone thinking I can't do it.

I'm a young mom, I'm nineteen. There's bound to be judgement. I just don't want it from my family.

"I'm just... having a hard time breast feeding," I confessed.

For some reason I felt like I could trust her.

"What's the problem?" She asked sweetly.

"I don't think I'm producing any milk and my boobs hurt and Brianna doesn't want to latch on," I explained as tears poured from my eyes. "I just feel like I'm doing a bad job already and I-"

"It's okay honey, this is normal thing that happens," she explained. "Look I'll be right over with some supplies that should help you and maybe we can get her to latch okay?"

"Are you sure?" I asked.

I don't want to be a burden.

"Of course, I'll be right there okay?"

We said our goodbyes and then she hung up.


I looked up at Jahseh and used my one free hand to wipe my tears away, "yeah?"

"You're doing a great job," he sighed. "I didn't mean to make you feel like you weren't."

"You didn't," I explained. "I'm just sad and disappointed."

"It's okay, we're gonna figure it out." He sighed. He took Brianna from my arms and laying her in the bed on her baby pillow.

He wrapped his arms around me and engulfed me in a hug, "you're doing good baby. Brianna is only seven days old and she's the most cared for baby in the world already."

I wiped away my tears, hugging him back.

"I love you, mama."

"I love you more."


"Okay so these crackers and this tea is supposed to help you to produce milk, and once you start producing, trust me you're going to be producing." Caitlin explained as she unpacked a larger grocery bag on my kitchen counter.

Jahseh stood behind me with Brianna in his arms, watching, "they make titty crackers?"

Kayla and Jayla laughed at his joke.

"Anyways," Caitlin chuckled. "If you want I can help you get her to latch the way my mom helped me when I had the twins."

"How did she help?" I asked.

"She took my boob and stuffed it into the baby's mouth like a hamburger," she laughed. "I know it sounds ridiculous, but it works."

"I'll try whatever," I admitted. "Let's try right now she should be ready to eat."

Jahseh handed Brianna to me and I carefully took her into my arms after preparing to pull my titty out.
"If anyone doesn't wanna see a boob get out cause I'm feeding her right here."

Kayla and Jayla shrugged at the same time and seated themselves at the table before going on their phones.

I took my boob out and cradled Brianna in the position to feed.

Caitlin grabbed my boob, stuffing it into her mouth carefully like she explained, and after a few tries, Brianna latched and finally was feeding.

I smiled at tears filled my eyes, "thank you."

She nodded and gave me a small smile as she watched me feed Brianna.

"I'll fix you a cup of this tea, where do you keep your mugs?" Caitlin asked.

Jahseh directed her to the right cabinet and I took the time to look at my daughter.

"Babe we should get her some newborn pictures taken, soon before she loses the newborn look." I suggested.

"I'll book that shit right now," he smiled as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

873 words 💗😩

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