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"I miss you baby," Jahseh smiled at me over FaceTime. Today I had to work all day so he was upset that we haven't gotten to see each other.

"I know, I miss you too. You should have just came over last night," I stated.

Last night I wanted to see Jahseh after work. But he had to fix his cousin's car so he never made it over here.

And since it's Saturday, I'm working all day. I want to save and save until I can't save no more that way when I have the baby, I can take some time off or even not work for a while.

I'm saving as much as I can and most of the money I do spend is because I end up buying baby stuff at Target when I stop in for coffee.

And another thing, my moms been trying to be really hands on in my pregnancy. Meaning she keeps pushing all her beliefs and advice on me.

I just have to find a way to tell her to back off in a respectful and kind way.

"Yeah, but my aunt needed her car fixed so you know me, I had to go help her," he shrugged.

"Your Aunt? I thought you said it was for your cousin?" I asked.

"My aunt and my cousin they share a car. Look what time you get off imma come pick you up," he asked.

"I get off at four," I said. "Are you sure you're gonna have time to pick me up I have my car."

"Yeah imma pick you up, I'll come get your car and take it home rn," he explained. "Just leave the keys on the seat or sum."

"You can just come inside and get them from me, I want to see you and plus Id be asking to get my car stolen."

"Alright fine." He agreed. "I gotta go baby, let me go make this drop then imma head that way. Imma see you."

"Okay," I smiled. "Bye."

He ended the call and I smiled down at my phone. I stuffed my phone into my pocket and turned around.

"Oh shit," I squealed when I almost ran face first into Carlos, the weirdo I work with.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he grinned at me.

I nodded my head and leaned back seeing as he was standing so close to me.

"What are you doing back here all alone?" He asked.

"I was talking to my boyfriend." I stated and took a small, not to obvious step back.

His face changes as if he became slightly frustrated and was trying to hide it, "I didn't know you had a boyfriend." He took another closer to me.

"Well I do so.." I took a step back.

My heart left my body when I realized he had me backed into a corner. "Can you back up."

He didn't say anything back he just looked at me, "Who's your boyfriend."

"It doesn't matter who my boyfriend is you need to backup," I stated.

"I bet you I could beat his ass," he stated. "And take his girl."

"Yeah I don't think so," I laughed "but you can dream."

"I have dreams all right," he smirked. "Why don't you tell your little boyfriend that your busy after work."

"You have no idea what you just started," I stated. "My boyfriend shoots niggas."

"Does he?" He laughed. "He can't see me."

"Okay John Cena."

I looked behind Carlos and saw Jahseh standing there. He looked pissed.

"Is he bothering you, baby?" Jahseh asked me.

"Baby?" Carlos asked as he face ran pale.

"Yes he is," I admitted. "And he said he could beat your ass and steal your girl."

"She wouldn't be MY girl if you could steal her," he told Carlos. "But since you think you can beat my ass, come beat it?"

I moved from away from Carlos and got behind Jahseh.

"Hey what's going on back here?" The manager, James, walked in the break room.

Jahseh told him what he had just witnessed and it led to Carlos being called into the office.

When Jahseh and I were finally alone I let out a breath of air I didn't realize I was holding.

"You got here fast, thank god," I told him.

"I'm beating that boys ass," he stated.

"I already know that," I shrugged. "But thank you for getting here when you did, that could've been a lot worse."

"You know I got to save the day when I can," he winked at me.

I blushed and turned away.

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