Episode 2-5 Attention Stardome!

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"Uh... Please don't mind me asking but, what's a magical shift tournament?" Lynette asked with an awkward smile forming on her face.

But what she had received was the shock expressions from Ace and Deuce, looking straight back at her directly.

"Ehh?! You don’t know about Magift, Lynn!?" Ace yelled in shock and couldn't believe that she doesn't know about the game at all.

"Never heard of it. Really true." Lynette answered blankly.

"It’s a world-famous sport. They have a professional league and even world competitions." Deuce explained which Lynette listened to his explanation.

"Oh? So it's a famous sport games here in Twisted Wonderland then?" Lynette asked with a curiosity expression on her face.

"Hey! Don't leave me out fo this! I dunno about it either, too!" Grim yelled.

"Magical Shift… A.K.A. Magift, is a sport played by two teams made up of seven players. To put it simply, you try to take a disc from each other and try to shoot it at the goal positioned in the opponent’s territory. The team who scores the most points is the winner." Ace explained which Lynette finally understood about the famous sport game.

"Oh it's sounds like the Island of Enchantment well-known yet famous sport games, like American Football." Lynette commented after hearing the game and it's rules on how to play.

"American football? Is that a sport from your hometown in the Island of Enchantment, Lynn?" Deuce asked with curiosity.

"You bet it is! And my older brother Landon happens to play football too! And is on the team for his second year!" Lynette explained with a proud smile on her face.

"I don’t think I’m familiar with the term… Your homeland is indeed interesting to hear and learn about. I’ll research it in the library next time. It might provide me with a clue, after all." Crowley explained as Master Wiz patted his shoulder, getting his attention.

"Feel free to learn all about it in the library Dire." The wise elder answered with a chuckle.

"Hm… But I think it’d be pretty easy to have Lynette appear in a Magift tournament though. Don't you think so? " Ace mentioned as Lynette looked at him in confusion.

"Why?" Grim asked with curiosity.

"Magical Shift is a sport that uses magic. You carry the disc with magic, and all attacks and defenses used require magic as well. Since Lynette is a half-myth and also at a high level when using magic. It's possible for her to play!" Deuce explained which Lynette blinked.

"That's right! Part of the player’s appeal is when they exhibit super flashy magic, too~♪" Ace continued which Lynette was impressed to hear how popular the magift game was too.

"Cool~" Lynette commented with a smile.

"Exactly! That is why Night Raven College is a world renowned powerhouse when it comes to Magical Shift! A lot of our school’s alumni play in professional leagues now!" Crowley explained with a bright smile on his face.

"Even more, Magical Shift is a sport that tests not only physical skills but also one’s magical skills. Professional teams will be observing our school’s intra-dorm Magift Tournament. A lot of renowned magicians around the world, including the island of enchantment will come to watch." Wiz explained which it surprised the gang right about now!

"Eeehhh?! Your home island will watch the game too?!" The duo asked as they looked at Lynette with shocked eyes.

"Well, you heard what sensei just said, so yeah!" Lynette shouted back at them loudly.

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