Chapter 13

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After few hours of peaceful sleep he felt heavy weight on his mascular body , he felt someone has caged him and when he opened his eyes he found himself in the middle of bed but what shocked him that he wasn't alone today , someone was with .... more appropriately someone was sleeping on him . Her face was stuck in the crook of his neck where her one leg was on his stomach nd other one was on bed.

He wasn't habitual of such weird sleeping patterns so he got angry and was about to push her but stopped when he saw her peaceful face , she was breathing on his neck making him warmer than usual , he also heard soft snoring from her sassy mouth indeed she was tired , he wondered how she could sleep so peacefully without caring of her surroundings as if she owns his bed . First he removed her hand and leg from his body then putting hand below her neck he lifted her up, her face came dangerously close to him and for the first time he saw how she looked flawless and pure . He kept her head on pillow and bend his face near her , his lips were inch away from her face . He don't know how but for the first he admired a girl in this way and even he found her naturally beautiful , that innocent and carefree face looked so tempted that he almost closed distance of one inch between their lips but he stopped when only one centimetre was left . He moved out of the bed within second , controlling his raging hormones.

He never had to control himself even now also she wouldn't have known if he would have kissed her but surprisingly it felt like sin to do that without her consent. He looked at the clock it was 4 am in the morning that means he almost slept for 6-7 hours. He didn't remember when he had slept this much may be it was when he was eleven yrs old kid . If anyone would have intrude his space he would have kicked that person out but without disturbing her sleep he went to gym in his house.

Doing workout for more than hour he came back to his room again to see her sleeping like a log , he wondered how? but nonetheless he went directly inside the washroom without going near his destruction.


"Hey why u called in the morning bro ?" Karan asked , yawning lazily as he woke up due to Abhimanyu's call .

"Just thought of informing you that Manik fainted yesterday" Abhimanyu thought of informing him so Manik won't be alone because Karan would definitely go to Malhotra Mansion . Yesterday Nandini was there with Manik so Abhimanyu informed today he thought she might have left last night.

"What ? ...... How ?...... And why ? ...... What did doctor said?" He was panicking so much that his girlfriend also woke up due to his sudden screams , who was sleeping snuggling to his bare chest . Umm they did had great night.

"Relaxed he is fine now ....... It happened as he didn't slept at nights continuously from few days because of his insomnia ..... So he fainted " he explained.

"Okay thanks ...... I will go to Malhotra Mansion " saying so he disconnected the call.

"What happened baby ?" Alisha , his girlfriend asked while making some patterns on his bare chest .

"Manik fainted yesterday ...... I have to go there " he said caressing her hair lovingly . Hearing Manik's name her eyes twinkled.

"Ohh fuck ....... I will also come to check on him " she said with sugar coated words.

"U can't ...... He don't like outsider visiting him " .

"I am ur girlfriend " .

"Still he won't like it " .

"U should make him agree and if he don't want anyone else in that home then bring him here ...... We can take care of him " .

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