Chapter 48

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Sky literally felt tiny in front of her happiness, she didn't know such feelings exists in real, she thought they are illusions, just some get chance to feel but today she can proudly say she is one of those lucky people.

Forgetting everything she called her Manik to let him know that he is going to have something for which he craved all his life, a family. And it's going to be their family, she never thought she would be reason for fulfilment of his life. But to her dismay his ph was out of reach.

She tried for several times then left it, thinking he must be out of network. She controlled her anxiety, fear and excitement of sharing this news with her family because she wanted to tell him first before anyone else but day turned into night and his number was still unavailable.

Three friends were sitting on their usual bench in the garden of society, after their dinner.

"What happened .... u look disturbed?" Swaroop asked this to Nandini by seeing her lost. Even Diya looked at her eagerly.

"Manik's number is out of reach since morning" she said looking at Diya first then looked down, still Diya haven't forgive Manik but she is not angry on him either, with time she accepted the bitter truth of her life.

"Call Abhimanyu ...... May be he knows" Diya said making them both surprised.

"Wait ..... U two are in talking terms?" Swaroop asked.

"Umm not yet ...... But I can't wait more ..... It's been days i don't how he is doing?" Her eyes were twinkling with longing for him and her face had calmness laced with worry.

"He must be fine nd he will return to u" his words alarmed in her mind, it's been 18 days he is getting treated what if he will forget her?. Or has he already forgot her?. What if his treatment is over nd he is moved on without her?.

"No it can't happen" she panicked.

"What Nandu?" Diya rubbed her arm with concern.

"He can't forget me" she took a deep breath.

"He won't" Swaroop gave her assurance but deep down her friends weren't sure either.

"I want to meet him now" she travelled her fingers through her hair, little harshly in desperation.


"Did u talk with him?" Nandini asked as soon as Abhimanyu reached in their parking.

"Last I talked with him was 5 days before ...... That time he told me that I can take immediate decisions on his behalf nd he is having network problem ...... Though he talked very normally but still it wasn't his normal" Abhimanyu told his last experience with Manik.

"Now this is enough ....... I'm going to meet Eshana" wiping her tears, she stood up and went upstairs to bring her car keys.

After 20 mins of vigorous yet neat driving she reached outside the Eshana's hospital to know about her recent location because she was informed that they are not in Mumbai.

"Ma'am please co-operate and tell us her address ..... Don't make me use my ways" Abhimanyu said to receptionist with low yet powerful tone.

"Please sir ...... Try to understand we can't give u information of our doctors" receptionist said politely and that was it for Nandini she banged paperweight harshly on table making receptionist gasped in fear.

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